Samstag, 28. März 2015

162nd dc: pollinators

For humblebee and me pink blossoms are so delightful!

Pollinator, mixed media 35x35cm
(just before the humblebee has met the blossom, therefore still without pollen)

Sweet Tammie Lee is our host 
this weekend for the 162nd of these exciting drawing challenges. Her theme is pollinators
Please come to her place where beauty flows for more of them. 

Thank you for your visit. I wish you a happy weekend. 
( At Sunday I will meet Barbara Bee at her marketplace... 
so, stay tuned ;-)

Who is our next host?

17 Kommentare:

  1. Sehr tolle Zeichnung, deine Zeichnungen haben eine neue Dimension erreicht, wo kommt das auf einmal her? Sehr, sehr geil!
    Bienen sind natürlich immer gut ; )
    barbara bee
    YAEY, morgen!

  2. Sehr geil, kann ich mich Barbara nur anschliessen :) ich musste da zwei mal hingucken bei der flotten Biene :)

  3. the bee looks almost real, sweet art.

    hope you have a lovely day.

  4. I so enjoy seeing the delicate details, soft colors and the mix of good detail on the bee. Such a lovely spring and pollinator piece.
    Thank you for joining us!

  5. I love your "bee meets flower" piece - great job!

  6. Oh, wie plüschig Deine Hummel ist! Ich bin ganz vernarrt! Wunderbar gemacht! :-)

  7. ich auch, ich auch! sooo wunderhübsch puschelig. zum verlieben!
    :-) mano

  8. I am charmed completely by this bee! Lovely art. :)

  9. That's a splendid and wonderful bee Ariane. I love his little fluffy bum. And, naturally he goes for the pink blooms. I would too. :D Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

  10. almost cinematic, i can hear it buzzing, splendid Ariane, your work has really improved lately without losing tat typical soft appeal, so nice, x

  11. I like the delicacy with which you drew pink flower and bee wings

  12. If no one else has, I'd love to call the next DC with "the key".

    1. Dear Veronica, we had this before, but doesn't matter! Let's take it... maybe the weekend after Easter? I will set it on the list here this eve. And, I 'll answer your email.
      xo Ariane

  13. Wow, such a lovely bumble bee! It'so vibrant with the soft layers and marks!

  14. wauw....
    that sweet humblebee looks so soft and three-dimensional!
    longing for that soft pink
    yes, grand piece of art!


    we will
    again ;^))))

  15. Ariane, your delicate strokes make the humblebee almost huggable! But as my little granddaughters tell me "we hug mommies and daddies and puppies and kitties but we can't hug a bumble bee!"
    Have a fabulous week. xo Carole

