Samstag, 30. April 2011

DC #14: FISH

  In der Burg am Eisenbach 
tauchen verschiedene asiatische Symbole für Glück und Wohlstand auf. 
Dieses auf dem Goldfisch reitende Kind zum Beispiel soll den Geldstrom 
auch in die Burg lenken.

In the Castle at the Eisenbach 
turn up some asian symbols for fortune and prosperity. 
These child riding on a goldfish for instance shall guide the stream of cash 
to the Castle too.

Ich erinnere mich an mein Horoskop und zeichne die Wasser-Aspekte auf. 
In welchem Haus sind die Fische? Und wo sein Regent, der Neptun? 
Immer weiter tauche ich hinab... an blühenden Bäumen vorbei...

I do recall my horoscope and map the water aspects. I which mansion are the fishes? and where is his ruler, Neptune? 
On and on I dive down... over at blossoming trees... Christiane, der Schwanenfrau zu Neptun...

...past Christiane, the swan woman to Neptune... mit einer Auster und einem Teller wieder aufzutauchen.  

...about come up after the dive with an oyster and a plate.

Neptun hat mir die Geschichte von zwei Fischen erzählt. 
Ich pinsel sie mit Wasserfarben auf einen Teller. 
Der rote Fisch stellt den aktiven Teil des Menschen dar, während der blaue Fisch den passiven Teil symbolisiert. Spannend ist für mich, dass der rote Fisch hinunter geht in die innere Welt und dem blauen oben die Außenwelt gezeigt wird. 
Das Band ist die Erfahrung, welches beide verbindet. Es besteht aus den 12 Zeichen der Sternzeichen, die wir durchschritten haben, wenn wir bei den Fischen ankommen.

Neptune has told me the tale of two fishes. 
I brush them with water colour on a plate. 
The red fish depicts the active part of a human, whilst the blue fish symbols the passive part. Exciting for me is, that the red fish go down into the inner world and the blue shown the outerworld on top. 
The ribbon is the experience which connects both. It excist from the 12 signs of sign of zodiac, which we passed, when we arrive the fishes. 

This drawing challenge is hosted by my dear friend Elisabeth
Please, dive to her place to have a look at some amazing fishes.

Easter break
*No. 14 Fish 
No. 15 Lamb (07.05.+08.05.2011) Stephanie

11 Kommentare:

  1. I like your fairytale-stories
    and what a great plate
    the lines, shape, colours

    what a lovely fish-post, Ariane
    thank you!

  2. your symbolism makes me smile, makes me curl back upon myself.. perhaps like a fish, wagging a tail, because they do...
    how dreamy is this? how deep too?
    cheers, ariane.
    ps - LOVE that little still life on the chimney?

  3. Dear oranje Patrice,
    thank you. I feel honoured.

    Dear Nadine,
    It isn't a chimney, what a pity, its only 'Ribba' of the swedish furniture store...

    x Ariane.
    P.S. Feel free to do using the 'nose-woman'.

  4. i need a goldfish to guide some cash to my home too ;) i should make one!
    and oh i love that you set the painting of the lake next to your beautiful fishy plate :)

  5. Thank you for your nice comment! I will visit your blog more.

  6. Dear Maria,
    yes, a goldfish is pretty...too.

    Dear Julie,
    you are welcome, always.

    ♥ Ariane.

  7. i love your fish and how you took it even deeper.
    it's nice to read a story with the drawing/painting.
    i'm sorry i am not that present, ariane...still adjusting to home.
    i am always checking on you though!

  8. Dearest Rachel,
    nice to 'hear' you.
    You have exciting places in L.A.! ...and, maybe the black bike parked on the sidewalk, because of someone who hasn't refreshed eyes and mind ...
    x Ariane.

  9. Beautiful post. I did not see this until now. My computer and I are not best friends at the moment. I find the computer unreliable and the computer find me absent and ignorant. That's where we stand. And I should learn more about zodiacs and horoscops. Maybe I would see things clearer then.

  10. Are you Pisces? I am Scorpio - watery too. I am slowly swimming through everybody's drawings - from as far back as mirror - one blog at a time - this one before I sleep - in the morning more...

  11. Dear Elisabeth,
    for me Astrology is a mirror.

    Dear Jasmin,
    no, I'm last day Gemini, but with much water and the Pluto in the first mansion.
    You are swimming very deeply...

    Love to you both.
    x Ariane.

