I follow the white hare under the waving willow.

Do I nibble off the onions?

I can see huge hats!
Aah, there is the white hare again! And I remember the this mint green coloured door... now she is opened by a pretty young woman.

"Too right", sighed the Hatter, "it is always time for five o'clock tea and we never wash up the dishes."

Oh, what a dream!
For this week's drawing challenge
with fantastic theme 'Alice in Wonderland' from our inspirating host woolfy Nadine. For more adventures in wonderland all over the world come to her place, please.
with fantastic theme 'Alice in Wonderland' from our inspirating host woolfy Nadine. For more adventures in wonderland all over the world come to her place, please.
Playing with the tea-scene of 'Alice in Wonderland' and with the order of magnitude I've painted a huge plate on the wall of my kitchen.
Thank you, dear Nadine for Alice... as I confessed you, I've never read the book, but now:
It was really a pleasure and an avatar.
And I have to thank *1 the white rabbit from UK Edition ELLE DECORATION November 2011, page 76 and *2 the very kind young woman of WITTY KNITTERS who has showed me that Alice-like décor of the shop at the Kaiserkai 46 in Hamburg.
Thank you very much!
Yay!! What a mega-fabulous post..your photos are enchanting and so atmospheric and beautiful...I love those tall hats and your sweet rabbit...gorgeous party...dazzling tea cups!Thankyou for casting a spell on me with this realm of Alice!!
beautiful, beautiful Alice-worthy pictures
AntwortenLöschenand also so Ariane
great story
lovely rabbits
beautiful teacups
and those hats
loved it all
what a grand mad tea party
and it is in your house!
those teacups are yours?!
wauw! again
liebste ariane, habe mir die fotos zigmal angesehen, du bist eine tolle fotografin mit einem wundervollen auge!! der wandteller ist wunderschön, dein schloss.... ach ALLES! xx julia
AntwortenLöschenFrom the cute white rabbit to the plate on your kitchen wall, one lovely trip, fairy-tale like pictures, i adore your cups all waiting for us, filled with tea and magic.
AntwortenLöschenAnd so nice, now you have a memory of this theme on your kitchen wall, it suits the room fine and it's like a big, rosy smile! lovely dear Ariane, xx
i was curiouser than i have ever been, to pop over to hamburg and find out about your alice.
AntwortenLöschen"oh, ma zoetje, toch" - is what this hatter is saying to another, and it all means but sweet, sweet things.
what a trip, ariane!!!!
and did you really, really, really paint that plate on your wall??? i thought it was a projection, and you really painted it ON. oh my! i love your plate, and i love the mad proportion of it!
well done, you.
you're an alice, you are!
did you know that???
You're right I'm from Hamburg, wie hast du das herausgefunden? Es ist schon so gewohnt Englisch zu schreiben.
AntwortenLöschenIch freue mich dich unter meinen Lesern wiederzufinden, Ariane.
Saphia-Resa ist eine von mir ausgedachte und verkürzte Form meines richtigen Namens (den ich an diese Stelle nicht verraten möchte, sei mir nicht böse) und Chocheta ist mein "Internet-Name". Es ist ein indianischer Name und bedeutet "die Unbekannte". Fand ich passend, da ich unerkannt bleiben möchte. :)
Das Mädchen auf den Fotos bin ich. Vielen Dank für die liebe Umschreibung meiner. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass du sehr bildmalerisch schreibst, das gefällt mir.
Liebe Grüße :)
Wow, thank you, dear Victoria!
AntwortenLöschenOh, dear Patrice, yes, those teacups are mine. They were given to me because I protect old things ;-)
Liebste Julia, danke für die Blumen! Ich habe noch nie... ähem, so groß gemalt. Du warst in meinen Gedanken, als ich mit vollem Körpereinsatz die Fläche bearbeitet habe.
Bin nicht ganz zufrieden, da mir die Plastizität des Tellers noch fehlt. Vielleicht hast Du da einen Tipp für mich?
Dearest Renilde,
'filled with tea and magic'... you're right. And, I've really brewed the tea at 5 o'clock... the atmosphere was kind of mad (I've laughed my madly giggling) and full of smell from Earl Grey. One of these days, I've been thinking...
Dear woolfy Nadine,
it was a trip!! I took the photos at one day and I've carried my shopping for lunch with me... and Alice-eyed I threw it down to take a picture of the black and white floor at the fish store or lay on my stomach for the onions... like mad!
'Alice' is really an avatar for me... As a child I needed to see the reality (a little bit more of control) and even Pippi Longstocking for me was overly unrealistic!
But now... yeah! its just fantastic, I free 'my Alice'... as you, don't you, sista?!
Liebe schöne Unbekannte,
ich weiß leider nicht mehr, wo ich gelesen habe, dass Du (wie ich) aus Hamburg kommst. Ich wohne mittendrin, während Du wohl eher outskirts, an der Peripherie wohnst? Du zeigst auf Deinen Fotos so schön viel Wald...
i wonder what would be the soundtrack of your alice movie?!
AntwortenLöschenso pretty! and creative.
I love your adventure in wonderland. such perfect images!
AntwortenLöschenThe painting on your kitchen wall is incredible. i absolutely love your painting and artistic style. so elegant and often surprising.
nadine has sent me back to the drawing board so i'll have a little more from alice this week. :)
I'd host this week but we will be traveling, attending a wedding, and will be completely overwhelmed by this time next week. Back to LA via San Francisco.
Lots to do....
Dear Sara!
AntwortenLöschenI've got Michael Nyman in my mind... a little bit of films from Peter Greenaway!
Dear travelling Rachel,
it has been a real adventure for me, for sure!
Nadine is right sending you back to the drawing board... your Alice is great. I'm curious how your rabbit looks? or the Hatter? We know whose daughter Greta is!
You have lots to do... it makes me feel giddy!
Maybe you could host when your back in LA? I'll add you on the list... the weekend 15.+16 of November? or its better later?
All the best for you and your lovelies.
liebe ariane,
AntwortenLöschendeine alice-foto-geschichte ist voll von wunderbaren fotos und dein wandgemälde so wunderschön, dass ich es immer wieder ansehen möchte. der integrierte schlüssel gefällt mir ganz besonders.
in deiner stadt war es wieder herrlich, goldener oktober mitten in der city, an kanälen, im wohnviertel. da wären wir uns wohl fast über den weg gelaufen..
demnächst! liebe grüße von mano