Samstag, 3. September 2011

Drawing challenge #30: Stained glass

Es war an einem sonnigen Tag, nicht eine Wolke am Himmel.
Die Königin der Burg am Eisenbach hatte sich auf einen Stuhl in der Kathedrale von Rouen gesetzt... oder nein, es war auf eine der hölzernen Bänke im südlichen Seitenschiff des Ulmer Münsters.
Sie studierte die gotische Architektur, wusste viel und merkte wenig. So dauerte es etwas, bis sie erst an den Säulen, dann an sich selbst, überall! das Licht wahrgenommen hat: 
Durch die hohen Spitzbogenfenster strömt das Licht durch das farbige Glas und taucht die ganze Kirche in ein himmlisches Licht... wie in einem Lichtpalast... wie im Himmel? 
in Ewigkeit.

It was on a sunny day; not a cloud in the sky.  
The Queen of the Castle at the Eisenbach has sat down on one of the chairs in the Cathedral of Rouen... or, no, it was on a wooden pew in the southern side aisle of the 
She studied the architecture of the Gothic, she knew lots and felt slightly. It was long before she recognized first at the column than at herself, overall! the light: 
Through the high lanced windows the light streams through the stained glass and dives the whole church into a heavenly light... like in a light-palace... like in heaven? 
in Eternity.

In meinem Archiv habe ich 'den Hirten' gefunden. Ich war ca. 14 oder 15 Jahre alt, als ich das Fenster aus schwarzer Pappe, Transparentpapier und Wachsmalkreide gemacht habe. 

In my archive I've found 'the Sheperd'. I was about 14 or 15 years old as I made this window from black carton, transparent paper and wax crayon.

 Die Rose
mit der ich vor fast einem Jahr diesen Blog eröffnete, dient mir jetzt als Vorlage für mein neues Papierfenster mit farbigem Glas.

whom I opened with this blog nearly one year ago, serves as a model for my new paper window with stained glass.

Ein Detail habe ich aus der Lübecker Marienkirche übernommen. 
Es ist eine kleine Maus, die ihr Nest in den Wurzeln des Rosenbaumes hat und so die Rose zum Verwelken bringen könnte, also großes Unglück bringen kann. 
Sie soll daran erinnern, auch scheinbar unwichtigen Dingen Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken.

One detail I've taken from the Lübecker Marienkirche
It is a tiny mouse, which have her nest of mice in the roots of the rosetree and could bring the rose to decay, therefore to bring ill luck.
She shall remind to pay attention to seemingly unimportant things.

Und: für meine Kinder ist es (immer noch) himmlisch, in diesem Licht von farbigem 'Glas' zu baden...

And: for my children it is  (to this day) divine to take a bath in that light of stained 'glass'...

So please take a shower in the stained glass of dear Nadine of Woolfenbell our hostess of this week's drawing challenge. And she will show you the way to many others wonderful stained glass all over the world.

12 Kommentare:

  1. Dear Ariane, your children bathing in coloured light,beautiful thought and photos.
    Funny, last night i dreamt i was in a shop and there were mice falling out of the ceiling,it was rather a nightmare as i am afraid of mice. After reading your post i see i should watch out for mice ;) xx

  2. so lovely to be following your train of thought and your action on paper and colourful transparent strips... melting into a graphic rose, which in itself guides us back to the very beginning of your blog....
    all these links, wonderful!
    it makes me right giddy and wanting to dive in too. in the light, and in the action!

    now for a knife and paper....

  3. Dear Renilde,
    oh, a nightmare isn't fun. Maybe you should watch out for something that afraid you like mice? Just to say 'hello'.

    Dear Nadine,
    thank you for the theme!
    And in a mystery way these drawing challenge take me to much places back in my life. Something like 'thanks giving'...

    It makes you right giddy? Great!


  4. I just knew you would make something amazing!
    I love to see your the beautiful face basking in the colored light.

    Shall I host this week?

  5. Oops! I just noticed the other hosts for the weeks to come! Yay. I will follow!

  6. Thank you, dear Rachel.
    I've been very glad that the sun comes and coloured the light!

    Maybe you are our host after Elisabeth at 24. + 25.09.2011?


  7. beautiful stained glasses.
    i love how in the old dutch houses there used to be colored pieces of glass.
    to color the rays of sun when they show up...

  8. oh deine süssen kinder in dem schönen licht! herzwärmend! xxx, julia

  9. Oh the gorgeous light.
    The soft eyelids.
    The smattering of freckles.
    And the red hair!

    Is it really 30 challenges already?
    how did that happen??

  10. Beautiful!!! And how nice to see many volonteers for the following weeks! :)

  11. My lovelies:
    thank you...

    Die Rose.

