Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2018

Heavenly | fire and water

Finally the rain comes and spend some water for all the plants,
the thirsty trees and flowers, even those on my balcony of the Castle a
It has rained all night long
{very relaxing sound, that attends my dreams}
but yesterday at eve
as the swallows flew high
I've awaited the Mars to rise next to the tv tower
and he come, about 23:20h (CEST)
Good to recognize 'cause of the deep orange colour,
but much smaller than the moon
... and I breathed
{blurry} Mars
You can find him, too,
in the East/South of the sky at night
outside, on the balcony {at morning, again}
inside, in the kitchen {windowsill}

Do you remember this photo of my last post?
I took this stem of a lupine with their seedvessels
for my big bouquet of flowers from the garden of Isolde.
I can tell ya, they throw their seeds with high speed!
I collect the seeds in a cup with the calligraphy by Sandra from the art of confusion

and after a slow breakfast with J I have to go to work now...

fb reminds me here on my early œuvre, analogue photos with macro.
I think, it's still my favorite kind of painting with light. What do you think about the art of taking photographs:
frame the reality? or taking an image of another world?
Would love to hear your view

Ariane. Rose

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