For a long time now I am interested in
the vanitas... the becoming and passing away
(f. i. you can see some analogue photo stills here which I made in ~ 2005)
Many years earlier my later husband J and I joined a Japanese tea ceremony.
At that we even learned about to admire 茶碗 ... the tea cup: we held it in our hands, lifted it at eye level and turned it to look at carefully from every angle, felt the surface, the material, praised the fine colour.
At that we even learned about to admire 茶碗 ... the tea cup: we held it in our hands, lifted it at eye level and turned it to look at carefully from every angle, felt the surface, the material, praised the fine colour.
Some days after the ceremony J went to a pottery and
order some tea cups according to his instructions:
order some tea cups according to his instructions:
My tea cup is battered now but I still love it! I coloured the tracks simple in gold.
Maybe after an idea of 侘寂 ... Wabi-sabi, the aesthetic centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection...
it makes me humbly and grateful
joyful and happy
to join you at this drawing challenge again after a long break. Our host is Nadine, my sweet Nadeschda, and her theme is JAPAN.
Please visit her fabulous place for more!
Wish you a fine weekend!
we are still moving...
*Summer break*
back at this last weekend of August
with No 143 at woolfy Nadeschda's with her theme:
. .
who is our next host?

(Anemone hupehensis var. japonica)
Hi Ariane, so glad you're back. How did the move go? Everything alright I hope. :D I also love the tea ceremony and the art of wabi-sabi. Actually, would love to intentionally break some pottery just to do it. I just remembered, a friend of mine, who is a potter, gave some directions for an easy method a while ago. Must go find it. Oh, and speaking of vanitas, I've also been photographing them for a number of years. Aren't we a pair? Big hugs to you form me over here in OXON still.
AntwortenLöschenyour 2005 stills are gems, and demand 'more of this'. you may know this yourself. there's one thing that can be said of a good lens and it is that it talks without words.
AntwortenLöschenembrace the batters of household goods.. see, i have great difficulty in doing that, although you've managed the chips bravely by gilding the grazes... clever woman.
welcome back, ariane, although you're not out of the woods yet, so it seems. i wish you quick resolve and more enjoying tea, and cookies and your new, freshly painted and decorated surroundings...! thxs for playing, ariane, x n♥
hello you!
AntwortenLöschenit's so good to see little corners of the new home to be!
and those first image, so beautiful and soft and so, so you
the you i am happy to know a little ;^))
and those two teacups made me smile
especially yours! because of the little cracks which you have painted gold ;^))
the shape is jut the way a teacup should be, i think
happy weekend and good luck with those last bits and pieces of the move
a big hug with both arms wide
Patrice A.
for a while i could see your images on instagram
but now i can't ;^((
Wunderschöne Fotos liebe Ariane...faszinierend das das Blau der Hortensien und der Teetassen beinahe gleich ist.
AntwortenLöschenHerzliche Grüße
♥ Sabine
Such lovely photos
AntwortenLöschenand cups
when i saw the chips i thought of wabi-sabi
they are lovely
and the chips are part of the story now
AntwortenLöschenDie Tassen sind toll und ich bin ganz fasziniert von diesem Wabi-sabi...
Viel Spass beim moving weiterhin
x Stefanie
So nice to see your post Ariane- acceptance of transience and imperfection- so much to ponder there right- I love your cups and of course all your your photos- I hope the renovations are winding down- miss seeing you here- thank goodness for Instagram :)
AntwortenLöschenBeautiful, delicate pics and a charming story - once again - thank you, sweet Ariane xo Leena
AntwortenLöschenWunderschön! Einfach wunderschön, tolle Fotos und mir gefällt die Geschichte der Teezeremonie und den Tassen SEHR. Habt Ihr die Zeremonie im Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe gemacht? Da habe ich nämlich mal an einer teilgenommen und war davon auch schwerst beeindruckt, über diese Konzentration, Einfachheit und immense Schönheit dadurch.
AntwortenLöschenWie kommst du voran mit dem Chaos?
Liebe Grüße
Barbara bee
Oh! Was für eine wunderschöne Geste, die sichtbaren Gebrauchsspuren der Tassen zu betonen. In gold! So eine tiefe, schöne Aussage, auch im übertragenen Sinne. Man sollte das für so viele Bereiche anwenden, aber vor allem auf uns selbst. Gelebtes Leben ist wertvoll und sollte sichtbar gemacht werden.
AntwortenLöschenUnd ganz nebenbei: ich liebe Tee!! Ich kann gar nicht ohne und jeder einzelne Schluck ist ein Genuss! :-)
I like your photos. Your cup may be battered but full of memories. - eric
AntwortenLöschenwhat a dedicated photo's, very charming, very....touchy...
miss you....