nur das Schöne zu sehen (sehen zu wollen) hindert mich daran,
das Nicht-so-schöne wahrzunehmen oder gar zu verändern.
das Nicht-so-schöne wahrzunehmen oder gar zu verändern.
only to see the beauty (wanna see) hinder me,
to perceive the not-so-beauty
to perceive the not-so-beauty
or even to change.
{Und: jedes Loch, das man in die Wand bohrt,
muss man irgendwann wieder zuspachteln.
And: every hole, that one had drilled in the wall,
have to be spackled.}
muss man irgendwann wieder zuspachteln.
And: every hole, that one had drilled in the wall,
have to be spackled.}
Drawing challenge!
next: No. 144 at Joke's spiegel-beeld.blogspot.nl
at the 20th + 21st of September
I have missed you! How are you?
I have missed you! How are you?
hello you!
i am so curious about
the new castle
Patrice A.
love the words you write
Things are fine round here, and I hope your move is...er...moving on nicely. :D See you soon I hope.
AntwortenLöschenI'm all right, trying to find a way in giving lessens, make my own drawings and other less importent stuff.....such as cleaning. I'll put the dc monday on my blog. Everybody have a nice weekend and i'll see you on monday!