
I somehow like fishes. Watching them calms me.
And at Fridays I eat them (mostly boneless fillets because my fear to suffocate by fish bones:
tagliatelle with salmon cream sauce as well lemon grass... even my kids like it)
Aloft you can see my dear friend Julitschka cutting her daughter's hair in front of their aquarium.
And at Fridays I eat them (mostly boneless fillets because my fear to suffocate by fish bones:
tagliatelle with salmon cream sauce as well lemon grass... even my kids like it)
Aloft you can see my dear friend Julitschka cutting her daughter's hair in front of their aquarium.
My kids were on school trips.
They are back now from the seaside and have washed ashore shells and a stone (no fish, phew:)
They are back now from the seaside and have washed ashore shells and a stone (no fish, phew:)
For this drawing challenge No. 145 hosted by Sabine of Herzfrisch I alas have not create something new. But I can show you an older work from the 14th drawing challenge, back in April 2011 which is even: Fish
Please make sure to visit Herzfrisch to find more fishes on the net!
I try my very best to take up the thread of the drawing challenge including visiting and commenting. I like the variation of fast contact via fb or instagram, but I miss the depth of the contact via dc with you.
postscript: my favorite lens has broken in May this year. With all the hassle of moving and renovation I couldn't buy a new one and second hand? ui, sounds too risky to me. But I give it a try... and ha! my next-door neighbour had the lens! I am soo happy with this new lens!
today: No 145 FISH at Lisa Herzfrisch (Sabine)!
that is novel : cutting hair in front of the aquarium! how divine!! hey, babes, anytime you want to, we're here...! ;))) and i remember the DC fish... mine were ferocious, i stuck to gentler items this time around. sort of. n♥
AntwortenLöschenps - yes! fish on a friday! cool! and welcome back to lens-land. mine is creaking a little, i hope she doesn't die on me. can lenses die, i wonder.
About the dept on DC, I must admit that sometimes I like to draw al little bit stupid or make something else than I do during the week. It gives me a break. Just a little bit playing? I like to see you make your coffee, those little things, are important I think. Great that you're back!
AntwortenLöschenI can see how cutting hair in front of an aquarium is a great idea. Fish are calming. Except for the time i had to feed a friend's fish while they were away and one of them died. That was not calming at all! Yikes! I asked Robert if fish should be swimming upside down and he said he didn't know...we never had fish! I can completely understand about the fish bones. It's tradition in my Czech heritage to eat carp on Christmas eve. Talk about bones! Hope your weekend has been a wonderful one. :D
AntwortenLöschenI am so happy that you found a lens! your images are so lovely.
AntwortenLöschenwatching fish while having a hair trim seems like a relaxing thing to do.
I would be happy to be our next host.
Yes, please, dear Tammie, be our next host!
LöschenThanks a lot! A.
thank you Ariane for being our inspiration to share like this!
Löscheni have just put my introductory post up
Ja, Fisch! Ist doch immer wieder schön, ich hatte auch mal Aquarien und mittlerweile vermisse ich sie und die Goldfische sind auch ein absoluter Traum, die dicken Dinger, die! Habe deine Fisch-foto-strecke sehr genossen!
AntwortenLöschenl.g. barbara bee
Und schon die Nase voll von dem Ring?
Ich finde die ersten zwei Fotos ja toll, so ulkig!
AntwortenLöschenAlso ich bin gern hostess für eine nachträgliche Geburtstagsfeier, freut mich.
Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende