Dienstag, 7. April 2015

update: {Ostern (Mond) Reflexion} + new dc theme

Auf dem Land habe ich darauf gewartet, dass der Vollmond aufgeht
At the countryside I have waited, that the full moon rises

In der Zwischenzeit fand ich ein paar andere Reflexionen
Int the meantime I found some other reflexions

und dann, plötzlich
and then, suddenly

la luna

Am nächsten Morgen rezitierten eine Freundin und ich 
wie aus einem Mund den Osterspaziergang von Goethes Faust
At the next morning a friend and me recited with one voice 
the Outside of the Gate from Goethe's Faust

(...) Denn sie sind selber auferstanden
For they themselves have now arisen (...)

Wieder Zuhause haben wir unser Familientreffen
Back home we have our family reunion

Hope you are fine, too, dear friends.
I will come to your Keys from the drawing challenge soon! Nosy nosy!

update: Next host of the drawing challenge (No. 164) is Veronica, again (thank you, Dear). 
Her new theme is GRASS for this weekend, the 11th + 12th of April
Say "yes" here, please.

3 Kommentare:

  1. that moon!..... wauw....
    beautiful reflections
    and that dark image of benches i like a lot


  2. such a wonderful stand of photos!
    i love the 5th from the bottom and the cloud being below it.

  3. my absolute favourite remains the trees' shadows and the clouds above, it is a picture perfect to me. although the moon is a close second in your wonderous spring story. intimate spring, love it. n♥

