Sonntag, 12. Juli 2015


Well rounded: Sightseeing and eating, 
chatting and laughing together
last some exhibits.

by Nadeschda, Bee, Patrice

Thank you for your sweet visit (+ beautiful art):
Patrice, Nadeschda and Barbara Bee

Your voices still echoes in my mind and heart, Ladies!

5 Kommentare:

  1. ;^)))
    BIG smile
    i loved it all
    the days in Hamburg
    meeting YOU ALL
    the days with Nadine
    .... sigh....

    such good days
    such fine memories
    treasuring in my heart


  2. oh, oh, oh
    tears in mine eyes...

    i feel a little vulnerabe today, it is the after travel blues.
    back to life and hugging all this that you give us, and being so surprised at this delightful little reportage, you warm hearted löwen-lady-of-the-house. oh, how i miss you all, and it is posts such as this one that make my heart runneth over.
    with pleasure,

    i am working on images and will get round to that this week.
    ps - okay. also this:
    if you encounter two garments in your washing that do not seem to relate to any other one in your household, here's why : i forgot a white tee and a pj-pants at your place... we'll get back to those. oi. ;)))

  3. Beautiful friends! Makes me happy to see you together! Big smile on my face now. :) N, x

  4. i've popped back here this morning.... sehnsucht.... x n♥

