Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2015

Lionpalace, Zuhause

Zuhause ist

Home is

wo Pflanzen blühen

where plants blossom

und wo Kunst von Freunden und Bücher, Vasen, Kerzen sind

and where art by friends and books, vases, candles are

wo man die Einkäufe auspackt 
und die Tochter Berge von leckeren Pfannkuchen backt

where one goods unpacked
and the daughter bakes mountains of delicious pancakes

But, now I know, 
only since I've (we've, as family) hosted guests in the Lionpalace... 
liebe Gäste, leuk gasten, I feel really at home.
Dank je wel, lief vrienden!

3 Kommentare:

  1. ;^))
    dear you
    dear family of you
    i loved it all!
    in real
    and in the images

    i am home
    and i will send images this week
    or the next

    Patrice A.

  2. I'm so glad to hear that, Ariane.
    Home sweet home.
    xo Carole

  3. smiling from ear to ear. it took me a while to get (back) here, i'd seen you post this earlier, but life's rat race got the better of me, and i want time to savour what you offer anyway. lartigue is of course my long standing love, so nice to find him here on your pages. the lemon is a lasting affair, naturally and your hallway and stairs, well, i fell for them when i saw them and i am still falling... so. yeah. miss it and miss you. n♥

