Sonntag, 15. Januar 2017

Kreise | Kuchenrezept | Invitation AC#202

Kaum scheint die Sonne, flippe ich aus!
Licht! endlich! Tirilieren!
Vom Isemarkt bringe ich Duftendes: Mimosen,
Freesien, Rauke und Minze, Zitronen von Sizilien!
Ah, und ein neues Sommerkleid kam mit der Post... fertig ist die Illusion
von Urlaub (und es ist ein zweischneidiges Schwert:
Wonne und schmerzhafte Sehnsucht zugleich)

Scarcely the sun come out, I freak out!
Light! finally! Warble!
From Isemarket I bring some scent: mimosa,
freesia, racial and mint, lemons from Sicily!
Ah, and a new summer dress comes with the postman... the illusion
of holiday is perfect (and it is a two-edged sword:
bliss and painful desire at the same time)

Ich springe von Raum zu Raum,
rupfe hier und dort noch meine (Weihnachts-)Kränze von der Wand
und kreisel durch den Tag (ewiglich)

I jump from room to room,
pluck here and there my (xmas-)wreaths from the wall
and gyrate through the day (eternally)

Metamorphosen überall **

metamorphosis overall **

Male endlich mal wieder ein Bild,
explosionsartig, weil ich es schon längst im Kopf hatte.
 (Male so schnell, dass mir schlecht wird.)

Draw an image again at last,
explosive, because I had it in my mind for so long.
(I paint so fast, that it makes me queasy.)


Fresh air!

Am nächsten Tag 'instagramme' ich morgens kurz mit Nadine,
dann gehe ich schnell den Wochenendeinkauf machen, voller
Vorfreude auf den Artikel über
Lili Nalovi und Jesko Willert im Hamburger Abendblatt.

At the next day I 'talk over IG' with Nadine in the morning,
then I rapidly do the grocery shopping for the weekend,
with thrill of anticipation about an article in the newspaper
about Lili Nalovi and Jesko Willert, an artist couple from Hamburg.


 und ich backe einen Kuchen

and I bake a cake

Kuchenrezept/Recipe for the cake

Ofen vorheizen auf 175°C. Man nehme: 
250g Butter, 250g Zucker und 5 Eier, 1 Prise Salz, 2 Tropfen Bittermandelöl

Pre-heat the oven 175°C. Take:
250g butter, 250g sugar and 5 eggs, 1 pinch of salt, 2 drops bitter almond oil

verrühre dieses zu einem schaumigen Teig, 
ergänze 150g Mehl, 100g gemahlene Mandeln, 
1 Teelöffel Backpulver, etwas Zitronenschale

scramble it to a foamy dough,
add 150g flour, 100g almond flour, 
1 teaspoon baking powder, some lemon zest

rühre dieses rasch unter und befülle eine Form 

mix it swiftly and fill it into a form

Streue Rosinen, Mandelstückchen oder, wie hier, 
Schokoplättchen drüber. 
Beim Backen versinken sie von selbst.

Nach ca. 50-60min im unteren Drittel des Ofens... voilà!

Spread raisons, minced almonds, or, like here, 
chocolate chips.
At baking the sink into the dough.

After about 50-60min at the lower third of the oven... voilà!


Sonntagmorgenfrühstück mit meinem Liebsten

Sunday breakfast with my sweetheart

Wer weiß, vielleicht mache ich warm eingepackt 
ja noch ein Spaziergang? 

Who knows, maybe I'll do a stroll, 
warmly wrapped?

Ansonsten genieße ich es einfach, den Tag ungeschminkt
in Schlumpfklamotten zu verbringen... müsste dann gleich
erst nochmal in die Küche, Essen kochen.

Otherwise I simply enjoy to spend the day au natural wearing PJ's...
oughta go into the kitchen, cooking some food for my family.

Kreisbewegung, spiralig

Voller Bewunderung sehe ich die Entwicklung, die ihr macht,
wenn Ihr Euch ein tägliches Projekt vornehmt.
Ich möchte das zu Thema machen, Euch quasi entgegen kommen.

Circular motion, spirally

Full of admiration I follow your progress with your daily projects.
I wanna take it, obliging, as a theme for the Art Challenge #202
May I please invite you to this Art Challenge with the theme





No. 202 DAILY
here at Rose,
 at this weekend, 
the 21st + 22nd of January 2017

Are you in?*

*How it works: 
if you want to join, leave a comment saying you are in
the following weekend the 'drawings' are shown on the blogs of the participants
and the host links to them all

(ThanX Patrice)

**butterfly in pic 7 + 8 by Lyndie Dourthe

13 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Ariane, was für ein wunderschöner Post.
    Ich fühle mich richtig mitgerissen und gerne mache ich mit beim DC.
    Liebe Grüße

  2. Da bin ich dabei. Danke!!!
    Viele Grüße von Lucia

  3. such a lovely strand of daily beauty
    I can almost taste the cake and smell the flowers

    I would love to join you for : daily
    lovely week to you!

  4. vibrant yellow here, over at yours!!! how i miss yellow outside... when i look through the window.. oh dear...

    that dress does need sunshine, A!! and yes, it was such an awesome moment, sitting down saturday morning unexpectedly, to a cheerful chit-chat, with coffee and cake. ;). so here's the real cake then, the one you baked last weekend... like, YUMMY!!!! you baked the perfect cake ...!! thank you for the recipe.

    what? you are chosing "daily" for a theme now? omw, this'll have me thinking some, because elaborating on it? ... i might. i will most certainly post for the AC this weekend, gives me a purpose to blog. yes.

    i have loved your blogpost so, so cheerful, so bloomy. a true wonder, Ariane. X n♥

  5. I'd like to join, but it's my first time...
    Can you explain how I submit my drawing? And to whom? And by what day?
    I'm enjoying your blog since I stumbled upon it...
    ~ Una

    1. Dear Una,
      thank you for your kind words.
      How it works:
      if you want to join, leave a comment saying you are in
      and the host put you on the list of participants.
      This weekend the art are shown on the blogs of the participants:
      each artist presents on her/his blog or other platform (even on fb or something else)
      and the host, this week it is me, links to them all.
      Give it a try!
      Looking forward to your art.
      - Ariane

  6. the cloth from your summer dress is delightful. and your artwork, and winter images are breathtaking. i love the subtle beauty of winter.

  7. Have visited your blog from Tammys. Lots of content. The cake, Wow and your little drawing I will visit again . I would like to take part in you Daily challenge

