Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2015

15 voll toll

'Two in one'**

15 tolle Jahre als Eheleute sind voll heute

15 great years as married couple are full, today

Danke, mein Heimatplanet... my home planet

Montag, 26. Oktober 2015


Über uns raschelt es gold

{pochende Zahnschmerzen hatten letzte Woche(n) mir die Sicht genommen. 
Jetzt, mit einem Backenzahn weniger und einer Zahnwurzelbehandlung weiter, sehe ich wieder Licht}

Unsere Jüngste ist jetzt eine 'Elfe':
Wir feiern ihren 11. Geburtstag mit süßen Freundinnen in den Tropen
und staunen über die Schöpfung


Above us it fissles golden

{racking toothache had taken my sight, last week(s). 
Now, a cheek tooth less and a care of root further, I see light again}

Our youngest is now a 'Elfe' [elf, means in German even the number 11]:
We celebrate her 11th birthday with sweet friends in the tropics
and marvel for the creation

Habt ihr schon mal ein Krokodil auf Tauchgang gesehen? 
Es sieht aus, als würde es schweben

Have you ever seen a crocodile's dive?
It looks, if it would hover

After our visit at the lemurs
(first they were asleep after having dinner.
Son has told me, that the feet of the lemur were cold like a cat's nose)
we went home to have ...

a pretty raspberry cream chocolate cake,
made by Eldest and friend N.

Hope you have fine time, dear friends.
Is there a host for the drawing challenge this weekend?
Last dc COVER has been so superb! Thank you!
Would be so nice to play with you, again.

Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

dc #178: COVER

Different cover, a kind of skin:
look, the pumpkin here with a derma like a whale, scarry from live.
Cover implies an inside and an outside, too, a boundary, a line. Foreground and background. It is Autumn and leafes are falling and will soon cover the ground. A big metamorphosis!

I have collected some leaves of the Ginkgo biloba
(please click to read the poem by J. W. v. Goethe) and intensified their impression of butterfly shape with a few cuts...

and pinned it on the pumpkin:


I am the host with this theme for the 178th of drawing challenge
 and wanna thank you, dear friends, for join in :-)
and Roberto!

I wish you a wonderful day!


#175 Pocket
#176 Skin
#177 POT

#178 COVER


Who is our next host?

Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2015

INVITATION to dc #178

Even me has laughed loud and cried (silently). 
I was close to despair: other perception of a photo job, a photo exhibition, that scathed me, made my head burst. But an 'ommm', a family meeting and a stroll in the woods with friends put things in the right perspective, again.

May I please invite you to the next drawing challenge 
this weekend, the 17th + 18th of October? 

The theme is: COVER

Please tell me you are in, dear friends!

How the drawing challenge works: 
If you wanna join, leave a comment saying you are in. The following weekend the drawings (or paintings, prints, photos etc.) are shown on the blogs of the participants and the host links to them all, so we can visit a virtual exhibition to a theme.

Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

Grüne Äpfel (+ Kuchenrezept)

Wir locken Maman am Sonntag an den großen Tisch im Löwenpalast
 und klappen den Lappy auf... meine Schwester (in Montréal) erscheint, et voilà:
Maman skypt zum ersten Mal!

We allure Maman at Sunday to the big table in the Lionpalace and open the lappy... my sister in Montréal appears, et voilà:
Maman skypes for the very first time!

Ich machte einen spannenden Spaziergang durchs Alstertal mit Freundinnen und Hunden (ohne Kamera). Danach grüne Äpfel für den Kuchen (s.o.) von Anuschkas Apfelbaum gepflückt.

Es ist kalt geworden.

I had an exciting walk through the Alstertal (wood at the River Alster) with friends and dogs (without camera). Later picked green apples for the cake (see above) from Anuschka's apple tree.

It has become cold.


Apfelkuchen à la Rose 

Ofen auf 175 Grad vorheizen.
250g Butter, 150g Zucker, 5 Eier, Prise Salz, 1/2 Fläschchen Bittermandelaroma, Tütchen Vanillezucker verrühren, 250g Mehl (hier 150g gemahlene Mandeln + 100g Mehl) + 1/2 Tütchen Backpulver rasch unterrühren.
In runde, gefettete und bemehlte Form bringen, mit 4-5 Äpfeln belegen.
In das untere Drittel des Ofens schieben und nach 45min mit gehobelten Mandeln bestreuen.
Ca. 10-15min fertigbacken (Holzstäbchenprobe).

Voilà! Kurz etwas abkühlen lassen, derweil Sahne schlagen:

Bon appétit!


Plate from Gudrun Jantzen, even the text is printed by her 

I know, you are very busy, my dearest. And, 
who is our host for the next drawing challenge? 
Am I to do it? Well, I think I have a little trauma...
