Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2016

Invite: next drawing challenge (#190!)

May I please invite you to the next drawing challenge {#190}?


I had already chosen this theme over 4 years ago. It was the drawing challenge #27.
But this time it is different, of course ;-)

So, see you next weekend, the 27th +28th of February?

How it works: 
if you want to join, leave a comment saying you are in
the following weekend the 'drawings' are shown on the blogs of the participants
and the host links to them all
(ThanX Patrice)

12 Kommentare:

  1. it was a hard nut to crack all those years ago for me, the metamorphosis, but if i remember correctly, and interestingly so, it had to do with houses...! hahahahaha...
    i have NO idea hw i'm going to go about it this time, but of course i take you up on the offer. 'cos ♪♪i'm feeling the looooove.♫ ;)))

  2. Thanks for the invitation. I want to play. (before i change to another being)

  3. I think I have come up with an idea.
    I will be joining you on my spirithelpers blog this time:

    thank you so much for hosting!

  4. Bin etwas spät dran mit meiner Anmeldung - aber die Idee ist da und ich bin dabei.
    Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße von Lucia

  5. Dear Ariane, the Rose, I am in:) xo Leena

  6. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  7. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  8. Ariane, thanks for the invate. I'm late, but I'm in. - eric

  9. I'm IN my friend; very late, but I have an idea. See you tomorrow. N, x



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