Dienstag, 27. September 2016

Sprossen | AC#199 (?)

Ich wachte auf und
blickte in Lunas Gesicht, das fast ganz im Schatten lag
Mit müden Wachaugen versuchte ich die Kurve genauer anzuschauen
nachzuspüren. Als ich die Kamera ergriffen hatte (die SDKarte fehlte erst)
und in die Frische stieg, stellte ich verwundert fest,
dass der schwarzblaue Himmel glitzernde Sommersprossensterne trug
und dachte an H.
sah sie den Mond auch? oder schlief sie im unbekannten Bett tief und fest
die Arme über sich ausgestreckt? So oder so, sendete ich ihr Küsse
kuschelte mich und schlief wieder ein

I woke up
and looked at Luna's face, which was covered almost in shade
With weary awake-eyes I tried to comprehend the curve
to trace. As I grasped my camera (the SD memory was absent only)
and stepped out into the freshness, I marveled,
that the blackblue heaven was star-freckled-faced
and H. came to my mind
did she see the Moon, too? or is she deep asleep in the unknown bed
outflung? Either way I sent her kisses
snuggled up and went back to sleep

Ein neuer Tag hatte die Sprossen erklommen
J. servierte den Latte auf dem Balkon der Burg am grünen Eisenbach
Wir verzogen uns allerdings dann doch nach Drinnen
da es zu nasskalt war. 
{Später, zwischen work und Literaturfreundinnentreffen 
würde es noch herrlich warm und mild werden}

A new day had rose the rungs
J. served a Latte macchiato on the balcony of the Castle at the green Eisenbach
We removed us to the inside
'cause it was dankish.
{Later, between work and gathering of the literature club
it would be beautifully warm and mild}

Thank you very much for joining the Art Challenge
I had so much pleasure with your TIDE and must confess, 
that the work on my TIDE had cheered me up. Feels so good!

So, who is our next host? 
This weekend, the first of October?
Who wanna host?

Samstag, 24. September 2016

update: AC #198: TIDE

Rain at low water

Here I am, back at the next flood

As you already know,
I been to Sylt last weekend.
I was so excited by the ocean: the open horizon, the ever changing light,
the periodical TIDE

My friend of dark nights, Luna, is the reason for the TIDE:
its gravitational attraction makes the flood on earth
(do you know, that on the other side of it, there is even a flood, at the same time?
It's from the centrifugal force)

So I've drawn with oil pastel the phases of the moon and
the phases of tideland (see above)

Hello, again, at Rose!
I am the host of these Art Challenge #198. My theme is TIDE
and these artists are my team-mates:

Susanna Redeker, later, welcome!
trying Lisa HerzfrischTammie Lee, not sure not this time, watching Leena Vainio of vivere est, with best wishes from Ritva Palander ;-)
Any more fares?

Thank you for playing! Wish you a happy weekend.

Love, Ariane

PS: You can turn pages of beautiful drawings of waves 
from Ha Bun Shu by Yusan, Mori, 1919, here


No. 197 Room with A VIEW 

No. 198 TIDE
here, this weekend

Who wanna host AC #199?

Montag, 19. September 2016

Invitation to the next AC!

I stare at the elements

 at the cloudy pinks and marbling greens
{on the Eisenbach, the birds} 
these moving, constantly

and I wonder about the big movement of the ocean

the TIDE

May I invite you to this theme for our next ART CHALLENGE (No. 198)? A bit of recurring movement is good, right? 
This weekend, the 24th + 25th of September, AC again! Here!

How it works: 
if you want to join, leave a comment saying you are in
the following weekend the 'drawings' are shown on the blogs of the participants
and the host links to them all
(ThanX Patrice)

at Sylt


Betriebsausflug nach Sylt. Schön war's!

Works outing to Sylt, the biggest of the North Frisian Islands. Has been fine!

* Erde, Flut, Mond mit einer Forke auf den Meeresboden gezeichnet von Ole, dem Wattführer
* Earth, flood, moon drawn with a fork on the bottom of the ocean by Ole, the guide through the mud flats

Den Vollmond hatte ich verschlafen (meine Kollegin hat er wachgeschaut, aber nur kurz). Hier eine Aufnahme einen Abend später, von der Burg am Eisenbach aus, schon abnehmend.

The full moon I've missed through oversleeping (my workmate has looked by luna since she's been awake, but only short). Here a photograph, already waning, from my balcony at the Castle of the Eisenbach.

Love, Ariane.

PS: Back to Art Challenge?!

Sonntag, 11. September 2016

Märchenhaft (and a PS)

Mit Isolde fahre ich am Sonntag früh in ihren Garten

Together with Isolde I drive in her garden at early Sunday



durchs Dickicht

through undergrowth

eine verlassenen Hütte, drei reife Himbeeren und ein Feuer

a abandoned cabin, three mature raspberries and a fire



Wirklich märchenhaft

Truly fairytale-like


(more photos here)

PS: I could be our host for the next Art Challenge at the last weekend in September, 
if no one else want to? Ya?

Freitag, 9. September 2016
