Mittwoch, 25. April 2012

Alte Heimat / Bygone home

 *Orange speech balloon: "The first love one will never forget"

 Reibe der Zitronenjette am Finger (erinnert an die Glücklosen) 
und besuche die liebe Königin K.L.E..

Rub the finger of Zitronenjette (reminds on the haplesses) 
and visit the dear Queen K.L.E..

Vor 30 Jahren wohnten wir auch in diesem Viertel... allerdings gab es da noch nicht soviel spannende Agenturen.

Thirty years ago we lived in this neighbourhood, too... albeit there were not so many exciting agencies not yet.

 Hübsch beschenkt gehts heimwärts.

Pretty endowed it goes homewards.

wo ich vom lustigen tinyWoolf erwartet werde.

where I've been awaited by merry tinyWoolf.

Hurra, die Post ist da! Hurray! mail for me!

4 Kommentare:

  1. good day a!
    lots of post for you, we♥thepostman right? (when he brings other things but bills and tax declarations)
    spring is coming along at your place.
    april is about to

    love and hugs

    1. Yes, dear Sara,
      love the postman... and the garbage man!

      I need your address, honey! 'Behind the scene', okay?

      April, eh... Storm End Comes... in Tel Aviv?
      toi toi toi!
      I still enjoy memories of your performance.

      Love and hugs,
      x Ariane.

  2. ariane!
    i happen upon your post, quite by accident, on my lunch break and had not expected this ending... so glad it's already there!
    and absolutely always love your wanderings. you have eye for whimsical detail, i so love it. almost like walking besides you. cheers.

  3. how i want to walk there with you liebe ariane, das café kenne ich und mag es sehr! in der gegend wollte ich früher so gerne wohnen... herzensgruss, julia

