King Autumn has started to paint the leaves at the Eisenbach
and in the neighborhood
and in the neighborhood
In the wonderful sunlight I take pictures of different shapes and
similar struktures... doesn't matter in which size
I love lime trees.
Now, when its leaves turns golden and in springtime when I can't wait for its bloom and scent.

If coming closer and closer
and closer to a single leave one can find a really wonderful construction of elements from epidermis, mesophyll and vascular tissue.
So my water colour showes a cross-section of a foliage leave under microscope.
Our host Sabine, Miss Herzfrisch
has taken a rake and you can find more leaves at her blog.
Our host Sabine, Miss Herzfrisch
has taken a rake and you can find more leaves at her blog.
Have a colourful weekend!
Sabine, Miss Herzfrisch, is our host for this weekend's dc No 80, October the 20th and 21st with LEAVES
For the weekend at the 27th and 28th of October Norma is our host.
dear A
AntwortenLöschena whole week without computer and internet.
so great to be back,
love this-ode to autumn, colors, leaves, far from the view outside my window...still shorts and top to keep the temperature.
love and hugs
how I love autumn
AntwortenLöschenand it's colors
you have captured it
so beautifully
happy weekend!
Patrice A.
Hi Rose.
AntwortenLöschenI enjoyed your post, I also love the lime tree, the scent of its flowers gives me peace.
I'm sorry!!! Ariane, no Rose :))))
AntwortenLöschenBeautiful delicate nature, Ariane! You speak it to us with your brush and delicate touch. This is really lovely. I can only imagine the smell of the lime trees. I can imagine how magnificent the tree will be when completely bare, its' branches dancing in snowfall. Hugs, Norma, x
AntwortenLöschenI love the connection between the shapes of leaves and trees and the dappling against the decaying leaf. You have a great eye for these sorts of detail Ariane. Its what makes your posts so interesting.
Helen :)
Your microscope watercolor view is so delicate. Lovely photos. Happy week to you, sus
AntwortenLöschenthe build up explains the pretty watery watercolour picture! this is a pattern... for wallpaper, perhaps?
AntwortenLöscheni am amazed as well, at the ochre leaf #8, in which i see a whole wood of leaves, but your images follow-up is inviting us to see that! well done, and nature is so clever, everything is in everything...
your last image again, is poetry in residence.
wunderschöner herbst in hamburg! ich mag besonders das letzte foto: ein gemälde!
AntwortenLöschendir weiterhin buntes blätterrascheln am eisenbach! :-) mano
your lime tree takes me back to my childhood, there was a very old, magnificent lime tree in our playground , we had fun with the limeblossoms twirling to the ground and it's scent still takes me there.
AntwortenLöschenyou show so beautiful how 'the big' is already in 'the small', how abstraction relates with reality,
your watercolour is lovely, x
Liebste Ariane, das ist mal wieder ein Feuerwerk an Farben, Sinneseindrücken und Versprechungen - ganz wunderbar. Und die wissenschaftlichen Abstraktionen passen perfekt zu meinen Nano-Bildern.
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Grüße bis bald
Liebe Ariane,
AntwortenLöschendu hast so schöne Augenblicke eingefangen. I mag besonders die Struktuenvergleiche und dein Mikroskop Aquarell.
Schön das du dabei warst.
Herzliche Grüße
Sabine beautiful!! Such a magnificent post of leaves..and life..and nature and art! I have a deep affinity for leaves so i enjoyed this post deeply!
OMGoodness, what beauty!
AntwortenLöschenWunderschöne Herbstaufnahmen, poetischer als jedes Gedicht.
AntwortenLöschenErstaunlich, die Nähe von Baumform zu Blatt, das ist mir noch nei aufgefallen. Ein ganz besonderes Auge hast Du.
Herzlich, Katja