Samstag, 27. April 2013

100th dc DANCE!

May I introduce Harald Kreutzberg to you... 
like a father he brought my Grandmother a doll from his tour in the U.S. in the late 20th
 of the last Century. He was a German Expressionist Dancer... has studied dance with Mary Wigman (look at her witch dance!) and Rudolf Laban.

As I browse through my memory I remember

...and on to live performances  e.g. of Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker with her
 ROSAS on Kampnagel here in Hamburg...

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. <i>Violin Phase from Fase: Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich</i>. 1982. Concept, direction: De Mey. Choreography, performance: De Keersmaeker. Music: Steve Reich. Violin: George Alexander van Dam. Performed at The Museum of Modern Art, 2011. © 2011 Yi-Chun Wu/ The Museum of Modern Art

and dances by herself 
... I wasn't there... but one day... one day... Like in Berlin last year as
I have enjoyed the dancing of

pirate Sara (in red) with Yasmeen Goddar's 'Storm End Come'. 

I have done my weekly lesson of  the Feldenkrais method yesterday...
 consciousness through movement. We have played at the twill of the spine... 
 For me dance means a lot of spirituality... it connects one with heaven and earth... with ALL.

So I take the motive of dancing dervishes on a black and white floor... inspired by 'Yolanda and the thief' vide supra... and draw it pure only with a pencil on paper.

Sweet Patrice is our host this week with her thrilling theme DANCE. Move your body.. and mind... to her exciting place and dance with inspiring artists around the world!

And: This sweet lady here, Elisabeth once Textilspanieln aka Garnapa reminded us to draw
two years ago. I did any drawing challenge here by now... every of the last 100! and it really has changed my life... for me it is a rehabilitation... after my study with censure. To do the challenge week after week and to meet you, very inspiring, favourable friends is important for me. I feel like a million dollars... Thank you all! From the bottom of my heart!
No 99 Tiles

Today: DANCE the No 100 at the 27th + 28th of April at Patrice's!

Next: No. 101 at the 4th + 5th of May with hostess Tania. Her theme BURLESQUE

Follows: No 102 at the 11th + 12th of May with Barbara Bee

Who is next? 


credit: first pic by Walde Huth, 1952. 
Pic of Elisabeth by her.

Love to you! Happy weekend!

17 Kommentare:

  1. Hach, herrlich, du hast den Bogen wieder weit gespannt und jetzt weiß ich, was ich für die nächste ladies night brauche: alte schwarz-weiße Tanzfilme! Yeah.
    Bei Wigmanns Tanz dachte ich mir so, dass in dir unter dem aparten Äusseren insgeheim ne wilde, expressive Hummel steckt und das Ende passt ja dann schön zu meinem Beitrag.
    Freu mich auf "Paris", wenn wir die orangen Tücher schwenken.
    Barbara xoxoxo

  2. oh i love that photo of our yarnmonkey!
    and there i am! wow!
    thinking a lot about me and my dancing again....let's see where it will move me.

    many hugs to you!

  3. Das ist alles so schön, liebe Ariane!
    Ich habe auch mal Sufi Tänzer gesehen.
    Ich bin so dankbar, dass ich auch dabei sein kann - jeder challenge bringt mich weiter, gibt mir soviel, es ist einfach fantastisch!
    Wir tanzen alle gemeinsam - x Stefanie

  4. What a beautiful story you tell. And your drawing - beautiful. I love the beauty of a pencil drawing. Happy weekend to you! I am so glad to be able to join in with these challenges.

  5. Such a beautiful dance you've taken us on, Ariane. Thank you.
    Thank you for encouraging us to take the challenge each week. I've thoroughly enjoyed being part of it and in meeting so many talented artists.
    Happy week to you. xo Carole

  6. What a wonderful idea: dance to connect one to heaven and earth! Love the dervishes and their dreamy, hypnotic images. Cindi

  7. Hi Ariane

    so glad to be back visiting your blog this post reminds me how much I missed you, your thoughts and images. Nice to be back Ill be catching up with your posts over the next few weeks.

    Helen x

  8. i love the bottom of your heart as much as all of the rest. on televised black & white dance spectacles i must add, YES! me too, i have fond memories such as those and thank you for reminding me of this. ATDK i saw once, in belgium, and i was stunned at her performance, as with derwishes i went to see once upon a long time ago, so mesmerizing.
    also thanks for showing us pirate sara in almost action, and for slipping in elisabeth, our initial instigator. ...
    you are a worldly soul, a warm hearted woman. thxs for all the effort you show, time and again.

  9. Liebe Ariane, ich bin gerade durch Deine Links getanzt, von der alten Zeit in die Moderne, welch eine wunderbare Reise! Und Derwische...sehr faszinierend! Um ehrlich zu sein, mir wird schon beim Zuschauen schwindelig! Aber das Meditative am Tanzen, das zu sich und zum Körperlichen finden, sich erden und abheben und wieder erden, das ist dort wie in so ziemlich allen Tanzformen wesentlich.
    Freue mich auf die nächsten 100 challenges!!

  10. What a post! So honored to also be a art of this community. I am going to explore the link to Performance 13, right up!
    xoxo You are an amazing hostess! Thank you for the dance!

  11. sweet Ariane
    you are the heart of this challenge
    you have kept us all together
    and yes, me too miss Elisabeth
    i have honoured her in the invitation
    and even asked her to join....
    like you i had pirat Sara in my head too
    and you have seen her dance!
    and i could i forget Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker
    thank you!
    thank for playing and dancing ;^))

    Patrice A.

  12. What a wonderful post Ariane! your devotion is inspiring and motivating and I am so grateful to be able to join in with this lovely group of artists each week- it's such a positive out let and way to connect for me!
    so Thank You!
    Loved pirate sara! I'm going to have to peruse your other links further :)

  13. What a lovely meandering post. I am so impressed that you have accomplished them all! Thank you for your inspiration.

  14. Your dervish drawings
    very pure
    I love the Drawing Challenge and the
    friends international
    we meet here.
    XXoo, sus

  15. dear Ariane, your posts are often like variations on a theme and they are lovely,

    i knew some of you did also fall in love with the performances of Rosas and ATDK,they are so sublime.

    your landscape photo brings me beautifully to your swirling drawing, dance to reach another level of consciousness,

    Elisabeth made me smile, such a great picture,

    and yes huray!! 100 dc's
    i joined in with 'hand', Nadine invited me and i'm thankfull and so glad she did because i enjoyed every one of them, the challenge, and the joy of getting to know all these great and wonderful artists and i thank you for being our initiator and gentle driving force,big hug xx

  16. ein bisschen spät, aber noch genug zeit dir zu sagen, dass dies ein wundervoller post ist und dass du einfach die queen der dc bist, weil du alles zusammenhältst.
    dafür ein dickes dankeschön, ich lass dich hochleben!
    alles liebe, mano

  17. Well Ariane, I will be coming back to view more and more and more of your links. What treasure. I am feeling like popping some pop corn (really, all I have is potatoe chips in a bag but that will have to do) to munch on while I view these links. Thank you for the fun time in advance!!! Norma, xo

