Samstag, 29. Juni 2013

dc #109: TIME TRAVEL

It is like flying...

or diving

 it is a matter of perspective...

 and it is a matter of focus

 Is it archaic like to catch something to eat?

 Is it archaic like to have a space which is protective? 
Is it transparence?

 Time travel

 is it a kind of wave-particle duality? a 'both... and'? or a matter of genes? 
collective subconsciously? previous lifes?

"The difference between past, present and future is an illusion,
 even though a stubborn."

I don't know, however...
 like Orlando I time travel... Sometimes it is hard to stay here... 
but my children supports me.

For this week's drawing challenge...the 109th... I repaint a picture that I had made for the 42nd dc called vacation by sweet Greta, daughter of Hi Happy Panda's Rachel 
I repaint a picture for the very first time... ? or... maybe not.... 
Use a bundle of pine needles collected by my Youngest last Autumn for the white and a feather of a seagull for the ink... take that painting of countryside... 'cause, aren't countrysides often wonderful timeless?

Time travel 
is the theme by Sabine... Miss Herzfrisch
Please visit her creative place... even to find more of exciting 
time travellers!

Our next host is sweet Tammie
(to know her theme, please have look on the list below)

I will be off-line next week starting this Sunday... 
will come to your places of today next week

Have a nice time!



Today: No 109 at the last WE, the 29th + 30th of June with Sabine... Miss Herzfrisch 
time travel

Follows: No 110 at the first weekend in July the 6th and 7th at Tammie's with

Who is our next host?


Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013

Super Mond (noch einmal,weil er so schön war)

   Kurz hatte ich ihn schon gesehen... da, hinter den Wolken. 
Ich schleiche in der Nacht zu Montag durch die Burg am Eisenbach 
auf der Suche nach dem besten Blick.

Fleeting I have seen him... there, behind the clouds.
In the night to Monday I tiptoe through the Castle at the Eisenbach
 in the quest of the best view.

Auf dem Balkon bei den Rosen finde ich eine gute Position und in einem
 lichten Augenblick weht ein barmherziges Lüftchen dann auch alle Äste weg und ich kann ihn ganz sehen...

On the balcony at the roses I find a good position and in 
a lucid moment a gracious breeze wafts sure enough all branches away and I can see 
him complete...

in dieser besonderen Nacht... in that special night

Samstag, 22. Juni 2013

dc #108: SOLSTICE

On a windy day in June... the sun stands high in the sky...
roses are heavy under their load... I take my Diercke and study the map. I memorize the way... following the course of the Rivers... first River Elbe to the North Sea, along the coast of Europe... crossing the Atlantic Sea, I let the cathedral of Chartres to the left and Greenland on the right hooves side...

... and follow the Saint Lawrence River...
sometimes difficult to find because of the puffy clouds

and suddenly... I find the Great Lakes... oh, I have winged too far... 
and where is the 'circle'?


a bunch of butterflies shows me the way...
 and there it is (thank you)... surrounded by birches:

here I find my sister... sweet Woodpecker from clan of the frogs 
on her holidays in the woods by the reservoir (with an otter :) 

"I bring you Happy Birthday wishes, sis!" 

From me... the Deer from the clan of the butterflies.

Our mother, the Hawk from clan of the thunderbirds, prefered to gave birth in times of solstice.

Once upon a time I found in a horoscope by the Native American
 that people who are born in times of the solstice love to fly... fly high... high like an eagle.
 Well, its true :) love it.. to have space and a good visibility

 Sweet Kristen is our host of this week's drawing challenge. Her theme is... striking... solstice
For this theme I paint on a carton with the paintbox of my daughter and some colouring pencils. Add the cut out of deer. Tell you a story of my family... my clan.

Please wing high to dear Kristen's amazing place 
to celebrate solstice with her and all the other wonderful artists.

 Deer, Hawk and Woodpecker

Wish you a weekend full of light!

(and thank you very much for your birthday wishes... you just made my day:)



 No 107 Morning, noon and night

Today: No 108 at the 22nd + 23rd of June solstice with Kristen

Follows: No 109 at the last WE, the 29th + 30th of June with Sabine... Miss Herzfrisch
time travel

Who is our next host?

Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2013

47 in 13

47 Jahre... auch so etwas, wie eine Sonnenwende*... vielleicht.
Schön, hier zu sein

47 years... even something like a solstice*... maybe.
Beautiful to be here

bei dieser Majestät... with this majesty



Das Gewitter in der letzten Nacht an der Burg am Eisenbach

The thunderstorm by the Castle at the Eisenbach last night

*next theme of the weekly drawing challenge is solstice with host sweet Kristen...

Montag, 17. Juni 2013

update: Ferienlust

Ich packe in meinen Korb... 

I pack in my basket...

eine Dose voll Rosenduft und schöne Lektüre... 

a tin full of scent of a rose and neat reading

Meeresrauschen und Musik, äh, Lieblingsmusik! 

sound of the sea and music, ahem, favourite music!

Viel Spaß, liebe Sabine W.-P. aus LG beim Konzert :)
Ich sitze derweil Zuhause...

 I will come to your mornings, noons and nights this eve.

Update: Our next hostess of the weekly drawing challenge is dear Kristen... (sorry, I get confused with the chronology...  Sabine... Miss Herzfrisch is the host the week after)
