I try to change... today... other than in past times.
Especially in 'my times' of BAUHAUS and Russian Constructivism... in my twenties, of all things!... I uphold the old fashioned structure... even when my curtain blowing in the wind was uneasy in my mind! I let down the shutters...
Today I love blowing curtains! I understand the only valid constant is the change.
But in all the variation I have the feeling deep in my heart there are all the fave colours forever...
Making this mood boards some thoughts come into my mind...
the insight that I live in a big mood board.. and the wish to implement the mood boards into the interior design here in the Castle at the Eisenbach... for more calm. Not that get lost in the details but on the whole...and include ideas and fave colours of husband and growing children :)
For this week's drawing challenge I choose the theme mood board.
Please visit this amazing artists around the world... thank you for playing, my lovelies!
Wish you all a rose-scented weekend :)
No 106 MOOD BOARD at the 8th + 9th of June here
Follows: No 107 at the 15th + 16th of June morning, noon and night with Helen
No 108 at the last WE in June with Sabine... Miss Herzfrisch
Who is our next host?
my sweet Rose Ariane,
AntwortenLöschenall those colors and structures
the bling, the pearls and roses
your favorite things (that ring!) and images
an image of your children
(i put in one in my mood board too! ;^)))
i can see YOU in it all
sweet friend have a wonderful sunny weekend
love and a big hug
Patrice A.
I especially love the sparkly Eiffel Tower with the dried pods, but all the colors and textures are wonderful. Moods but not moody. Thank you too for evoking the sense of smell -- the most powerful sense for creating a mood, I think!
AntwortenLöschenAhhh I see/feel the colours of the earth here. Not hot humid shouting noisy flashy bragging colours of the tropics and HOT climes, but the subdued older colours of things that have been around for awhile. Pearls hundreds of years old, faded fallen rose/flower petals that retain their scent for even more years to come, earth, cream, ash, charcoal, things seen in a cast Northern light, the greys of gull wings. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! N, xo
AntwortenLöschenplenty of mood boards to choose from here. and they all seem so key to you, or how i've come to know you a little, and perceive you. i love these visual collages, showing off their best, there to inspire. they work!
would make a lovely set of postcards Ariane
AntwortenLöschennumber 5 is my favourite!....yes its the type that draws me in
great theme had a lot of fun with it.
Helen x
ganzganz wundeRbaRe faRben. heRzeRwäRmend. beRuhigend. und dann in kombination mit deinen woRten .... peRfekt.
AntwortenLöschenliebste gRüße. käthe.
your words filled me with love for that every day mood board that moves and breaths around us. your colours are inspiring. lovely
AntwortenLöschenOh what beautiful collections of wonderful colours. Lovely. I did not have time to participate this week, but am so enjoying those that did. Thanks Ariane.
AntwortenLöschenso many beautiful treasures
AntwortenLöschenmemories and reflections of life
it is a pleasure to see facets of your moods
thank you for being our lovely host
and for letting us know who the next host is
sweet week to you ~
A mood board for every mood and room! I love that idea. How wonderful, Ariane!
AntwortenLöschenI agree with Helen.... they would make lovely postcards!
i'm starting my trip along the mood boards here,at your lovely place, i recognize your love for powdered colors, sofisticated in a playful way,
AntwortenLöscheni like you brought nature into every picture, it's from where we borrow and collect colours and mingle and compose them into something new.
i love your shells and beatle mood board, the soft glow, translucent with some darker accents,
but they are all so nice to look at and mirroring you, your persnality, that's what mood boards do i suppose,
thanks dear, xx
Your post is so delicate and sensitive! I love the tones and things you have there, just wonderful! x Leena ps. Thank you for the lovely theme, it was such fun to do!
AntwortenLöschenHach, Schwärm, Seufz, du bist DIE QUEEN der Stimmungen, definitiv. Diese sensible Farb- Form- und Strukturzusammenstelungen - mein Herz glibscht dahin wie Butter in der Sonne. Obwohl es möglicherweise gar nicht meine Lieblingsfarben sind, kann ich von dem braun-beigen Parisboard gar nicht genug bekommen.
AntwortenLöschenUm mal in die Kristallkugel zu gucken: "Ich sehe große Dinge auf dich zukommen!"
lovely moods + still lives,
AntwortenLöschendear Ariane,
all fit for a castle :)
I could have sworn I posted here, that dark group is really striking to me...but all are gorgeous! I think Helen has a nice idea about post cards too!
AntwortenLöschenI'd like to host some time soon- let me know what the schedule is looking like :)
Best- K
they are so female and aesthetic - very beautiful, somebody who loves beauty who celebrates beauty!
AntwortenLöschenRoyal Ariane, thank you for hosting
x Stefanie
I thank you for this challenge, dear Ariane. Your images put me in a nostalgic and dreamy mood. xxoo, sus