Kurz hatte ich ihn schon gesehen... da, hinter den Wolken.
Ich schleiche in der Nacht zu Montag durch die Burg am Eisenbach
auf der Suche nach dem besten Blick.
Fleeting I have seen him... there, behind the clouds.
In the night to Monday I tiptoe through the Castle at the Eisenbach
in the quest of the best view.
Auf dem Balkon bei den Rosen finde ich eine gute Position und in einem
lichten Augenblick weht ein barmherziges Lüftchen dann auch alle Äste weg und ich kann ihn ganz sehen...
On the balcony at the roses I find a good position and in
a lucid moment a gracious breeze wafts sure enough all branches away and I can see
him complete...
in dieser besonderen Nacht... in that special night
o. wow.
AntwortenLöschenliebe grüße
Thanks for this lovely glimpse dear Ariane - I missed seeing her here.
AntwortenLöschenLove -sus
such wonderful moon images
AntwortenLöschenwould make beautiful greeting cards
Your moon was visiting us a little later in the night. Wasn't it glorious!
AntwortenLöschenxo Carole
It was a very special moon this month!
AntwortenLöscheni have to be honest. i missed it out completely this time!
AntwortenLöschenshame on me.
luckily i can see how beautiful it was here.
sweet dreams.
aaah, the moon
AntwortenLöscheni knew it was there
but couldn't see it
because of all the clouds
thank you for sharing!
Patrice A.
i only caught a glimpse of 'im as he was moving out of the corner of my window. as usual i was heavenly late... n♥
AntwortenLöschenNo super moon here on solstice but this gives me a sense of what was missed!