Freitag, 20. Juni 2014

Dufte 48

 Lindenblüten und Rosen... Lime blossoms and roses...

deren Duft erinnert auch meine Mutter an meine Geburt 
(mir ist dieser Wohlgeruch so tief vertraut, ich könnte ihn Heimat nennen)

their scent reminds me even my mother of my birth
(to me this fragrance is so familiar, I could name it home)

Next drawing challenge at the weekend 28th + 29th of June at Patrice's and
Susan will come up with a theme at the first weekend of July, the 5th + 6th.

Have a nice day! 

5 Kommentare:

  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch liebe Ariane !
    Ich wünsche dir alles, alles Gute und wie es aussieht scheint das Wetter auch mitzuspielen.
    Liebe Grüße
    Barbara bee

  2. oh dear ariane, on midsummer and all, your birthday! happyhappyhappy birthday i wish you. and a wonderful new chapter in life!
    love and hugs from france.

  3. Happy Birthday and lots of fun and love from me.

  4. Lime blossoms? as in lime tree? Do they grow there, on your property?
    I love the lightness of these photos. Happy weekend to you dear, Ariane. xo

