Samstag, 30. Januar 2016


Von hoch oben 
Sah ich das Fruchtbare
Da fasste ich mir ein Herz 
Sprang in den Schoß
Und nahm (mal wieder) 
Gestalt an


From high above 
I saw the fruitfulness
Then I took heart
Jumped into the womb
And (once again) 
Have taken shape 

Veronica is our host for this week's
drawing challenge No 186 today. Her theme is

 Shinrin Yoku (森林浴)
forest bathing

For my forest bathing I have made a drawing with oil pastels of
an aerial view of a woodland... from my mother's conception... Maybe that's the reason, why I love a stroll in the woods (as you know, when you browse through my blog). And the best of all is a stroll in the woods at the seaside. Here are photos of different woods: island of Rügen (at the seaside!), a forest in the South of Hamburg and in the North.

For more forest bathing please walk to her place.

But first I wanna tell ya something about my sister:
She is living for over 20 years in Montreal, east coast of Canada, now. When my sister came to this wide land, she played a lottery/auction, where one can win a piece of land... and last December,
 she's received a letter from her HM Elizabeth II:
she has won a piece of a wood in the North, in the province Quebec, close to the mouth of the Saint Lawrence river for 100 years! It is in the very wilderness and far away from any street, in order that she can reach that place only by prop plane. She and her life mate F. used orange stripes of cloth to find the way back...

I wish you a refreshing weekend!



No. 186 'Shinrin Yoku'
 at Veronica's

Next: No. 187 'SIXES AND SEVENS' at Nadine's
at the 6th + 7th of February

No. 188 at Patrice's


Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2016

Wenn ich könnte, wie ich wollte... and: new dc theme

Ich würde so gern an die See fahren
oder doch lieber ins Bett fallen?

I would like to drive to the seaside
or maybe fall into the bed?

Ich schwelge in Erinnerungen 

I walk down the memory lane
: Sylt and Denmark in 2008

and simply wonderful for me is the connection 
between the sea and the woods

Veronica is our host for this week's
drawing challenge No 186 at the weekend. Her theme is

 Shinrin Yoku (森林浴)

The link will be up on Friday the 29th of January
at her place, where you can sign in.


No. 184 RHYTHM
No. 185 REEF

No. 186 'Shinrin Yoku'
this weekend at Veronica's

No. 187 Nadine's
No. 188 at Patrice's



Montag, 25. Januar 2016

Diving... into a woolfy birthday...

I dive into the vase
voices whisper from
the right and from the left

then a golden fish comes along and tells me:

"It is the birthday of woolfy Nadeschda Nadine!"

Happy birthday, my dear friend 
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag

Samstag, 23. Januar 2016

dc #185: REEF

At the 4th of Decembre 1971 in the casino of Montreux/Switzerland a fire broke out. 
The band Deep Purple was there and after been rescued, watched the smoke on the Lake Geneva from the hotel room. They came to term with the song 'Smoke on the Water'. 
It starts with a riff, the German word for REEF...

Great song, isn't it?!

And, I am not sure, but doesn't it looks like a coral reef, 
there, at the bottom of the Lake Geneva, in the moonlight?


Oh, I have so many basic approaches to this theme REEF! For me it was hard to decide, which way I wanna go. Finally, my hubby told me about riffs on the guitar... once he had taught exactly that riff to our little redhead!

For this week's drawing challenge I have paint in watercolours and oil crayon. Our hostess to the theme REEF is Katrin Seltner of Fischefrauen. Please swim over to her place to find more reefs.

Love, Ariane. Rose


Montag, 18. Januar 2016

Photo canvas + new theme for the next dc!

Die Tulpen verwandeln ihre Blüten zu Federn.
Zu ihren Füßen habe ich ein paar neue Fotoleinwände ausgebreitet 

The tulips metamorphoses their blossoms to feathers.
At their feet I have spread some new photos on canvas

und übersprühe sie dieses Mal mit seidenmattem Firnis. Ich
möchte, dass die Oberfläche sanft schimmert und versiegelt ist.

and I spray them with semigloss varnish. I wish,
that the surface softly glimmers and is sealed.

Sophia Loren, meine Mutter und Tanten 
haben nun in der Küche über dem Tisch Platz genommen

Sophia Loren, my mother and aunts were 
seated in the kitchen above the table

und bei dem Schwan denke ich, dass 
im Badezimmer ein guter Ort sein könnte...

and with at this swan I think, that 
the bathroom would be a nice place...

I will come to your rhythm, the theme of the last dc, soon! and:

We have a new host for the drawing challenge this weekend!
Dear Katrin of Fischefrauen has a theme for us at the 23rd + 24th of January:


Samstag, 16. Januar 2016

dc #184: RHYTHM (II)

I was impressed by a news article of 14 young whales, 
who hadn't found the right way into the Atlantic Ocean and 
have died at the coasts of the Netherlands' and Germans' 
Islands of the North Sea, last week.

A photo was taken from above, out of a helicopter, I think.
One can see the (now) flat bodies of some whales and blood and 
the traces of the digger (for opening the whale bodies, 
before they can explode from gas of rot).

The feeling of the end of an era (on different levels)

It makes me feel so, so sad. It scares me. But:
Try to get no apathy, but the right dosis of sympathy for 
the bigger picture of the rhythm of life and death

I have a coffee and imagine 
the seaside with a wide horizon and the rhythm of wash of waves.

Calm the breath, calm the mind

Welcome back to the first drawing challenge this year! 
This 184th of the dc is hosted by Veronica and her theme is RHYTHM.

I have worked with lead pencil and oil crayon on paper (20cmx30cm)
and with this drawing I close a bracket to the

Please come to Veronica's place to find more of RHYTHM.

I wish you a happy weekend.

Love, Ariane.Rose

Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2016


Könnt ihr ihn sehen? den Mond?
Manchmal braucht man nur einen kleinen Schritt zur Seite zu machen,
um den Blickwinkel zu verändern

Can you see him? the moon?
Sometimes one only have to make a little sidestep,
to change the perspective

Ich hänge mich rechts aus dem schmalen Seitenfenster des Löwenpalastes und lasse den Blick schweifen. Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich meine dürren, oberflächlichen Wurzeln hier schon aus dem Boden ziehe: gucke, als würde ich bereits Abschied nehmen von diesem Ort.

I hang out myself out of the narrow side window of the Lionpalace and let my eye wander. Somehow I have got the feeling, that I pull my scrawny, superficial roots out of the soil here, yet: look, as I say good bye to this place, already.

So sehe ich den Mond in seiner wechselnden Erscheinung als beständig – und mitten im Winter freue ich mich ungeduldig auf den Frühling: diesen wilden Tulpen konnte ich nicht widerstehen! 

So I see the moon in his changing appearance like steady – and in the middle of Winter I am looking eagerly forward to the Springtime: those wild tulips I couldn't restist!

So folgt alles einem unsichtbaren Tanz, einem heimlichen Rhythmus.

So all follow a invisible dance, a hidden rhythm.

Even the drawing challenge!
I am so happy, that we have very busy friends, who will host: 
Dear Veronica will start this row of drawing challenges in 2016 and
she will host the 184th dc with her theme RHYTHM, this weekend.
Thank you!

Love, Ariane. Rose.
