Samstag, 5. März 2011



Mit dem Thema dieser Woche habe ich mich schwer getan. Ich war überwältigt von der Erkenntnis, dass ALLES Rhythmus ist: Von der Wiege bis zur Bahre, Tag und Nacht, Ebbe und Flut, die Jahreszeiten ... unendlicher Klang. Wie sollte ich diese große Bewegung in nur einer Zeichnung einfangen?

Ich habe dann versucht, mich auf den Rhythmus des Herzens zu beschränken.
Mit uns Menschen haben alle Säugetiere ein Herz, alle Vögel, Fische und Amphibien. Bei all diesen Geschöpfen pumpt das Herz Blut durch den Körper, bei den einen schneller, bei den anderen langsamer, immer im Rhythmus von Fülle und Leere. Und das bei allen, so lange sie am Leben sind.

... Rhythm ...

With this theme of this week's drawing challenge I had a bit of problem. I was overwhelmed of the cognition that it is ALL rhythm: From the cradle to the grave, day and night, ebb and flow, the seasons ... endless sound. How should I catch these big moving into only one drawing?

I've tried to confine on the rhythm of heart. With us humans all mammals, all birds, fishes and anphibians have got a heart. By all these creatures the heart pumps blood through the body, one or two faster and slower, ever in rhythm of fullness and emptyness. And that by all as long as they are alive.

This week's drawing challenge No. 7 'rhythm' is hosted by lovely Rachel. Please have a look at those wonderful drawings from the other artists. 
Would you like to participate so post a comment to say you're in.
For the second weekend in March we'll return with 'bird' to wonderful Elisabeth, who is the initiator of this fabulous drawing challenge.

13 Kommentare:

  1. I love how life flows so beautifully through the heart. Delicate, connected, and rather zen.
    I'm a fan of your work!
    May a peaceful rhythm follow you through the weekend.

  2. of course, that is so, i agree. all is rhythm. i admit i've had to sit it out, before anyhting drawable came to mind.
    i find you have captured quite alot of rhythm(s) in your drawing!

  3. Dear Rachel,
    thank you so much. I'm a fan of your work too. Your 'Mother's heart' is like madonna with child...
    All the best for you,

    Dear Nadine,
    thank you...and its very lovely to meet you again. I come later to your place.
    x Ariane.

  4. Ariane, so lovely, your gentle style. It is fascinating watching everyone's style show through, not just in appearance but feeling and soul too. You and I have been visiting the same river of inspiration this week - mine is a sketchy mess still as i am a little behind - not yet posted. I am so tired im going to nap!

  5. Ariane, my friend, you made a great post. As I read your words I realized what kind of problem I had with my own messy one: everything is rhythm. And you made a sheep, didn't you?! Our common red thread ;) I can't believe we've already made all these challenges, the weeks pass by so quickly. This week was far to quick to me. I did not make any satisfying drawing. Sometimes everyday life has a rhythm you had not expected.

  6. Very symbolic and shows how rhythm intercepts and joins into one cyclic pulse. Your drawing is really interesting I like looking at your work a lot.

  7. so kind and peaceful drawing, love the light colors. your drawing makes me smile and feel relax,like the rhythm of the life.........

  8. what a delicate work
    soft and peaceful
    and about the heart, again!

    and like you I think we all struggled with the theme
    but the outcomes are wonderful!

  9. Dear Milady Stephanie,
    each time, when I read the new theme at the first moment I would have know what I photograph... and than its amazing how the inner feeling come out when I'm drawing.
    You make me snoopy for your drawing...I'm looking forward ...x

    Kära Elisabeth,
    this lamb is for you! x

    Dear Helen,
    did you noticed the pattern on her dress?...x

    Dear Citlalli,
    thank you - I'll come to your place later...

    Dear Patrice,
    thank you for your nice comment.
    See you with 'bird' next week?


  10. beautiful picture. i enjoy taking a moment to relax and enjoy the flowers and pleasant images of die rose

  11. Dear John,
    thank you. Its a honor.
    I hope you're fine. We've got similar temperatures know...spring is coming, step by step.

  12. Oh Ariane, I am only just catching up with everyone's rhythms. But I am never too far away. Is this sweet girl Eve in her lovely heart-shaped rhythmic garden of Eden?
    You know, I was going to do a heart drawing too if I had the right amount of time for last week. There is definitely a lot of 'zeitgeist' swirling around.
    And Elisabeth's word 'bird' proves it even more.....

    My new shop that I opened today ....

  13. Dear Jazz,
    this girl is a little bit of Eve, a bit of Lilith and ...a little bit of Lilly in the woods...
    Yes, Zeitgeist - when we are 'open mind', we can feel it... and see it at your shop (birds!):
    Looking at your shop I think 'wow, wonderful' and that you've done a very good job. I fall in love with your paintings...'Bird Whispers To Girl' is my absolutely favorite!

