Dear Carmel, nice to see you - and thank you, its a brimstone butterfly, we call it in Germany Zitronenfalter (Gonepteryx rhamni). Its only a reminder... my 'real Metamorphosis' will comes later...
Ach so, liebe Bib, ja, Du darfst! Danke, dass Du fragst...
Hello Ariane; Metamorphosis is such an interesting task, and I'm so glad it will be an art challenge. This is our birthday- and wedding anniversary weekend, so I may be a little late, but I will do my very best! Wishing you a beautiful weekend. Lilli
Alter Falter,
AntwortenLöschendie werden ja immer wundervoller...
darf ich das ???
Danke, liebe Bib,
AntwortenLöschenund, was darfst Du?
Ariane grüßt.
What a beautiful photo. Is it a moth or a butterfly? You girls are all so clever with your challenges.
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Ariane,
AntwortenLöschenfürs erste würde ich mich über das Foto sehr freuen :-)
Dear Carmel, nice to see you -
AntwortenLöschenand thank you, its a brimstone butterfly, we call it in Germany Zitronenfalter (Gonepteryx rhamni).
Its only a reminder... my 'real Metamorphosis' will comes later...
Ach so, liebe Bib,
ja, Du darfst! Danke, dass Du fragst...
xo Ariane
Hello Ariane; Metamorphosis is such an interesting task, and I'm so glad it will be an art challenge. This is our birthday- and wedding anniversary weekend, so I may be a little late, but I will do my very best!
AntwortenLöschenWishing you a beautiful weekend.