Sonntag, 28. August 2011

Drawing challenge #29: WINDOW

One hundred years ago 
the frensh painter Robert Delaunay draw the Eiffel Tower of Paris in his window pictures. When I look out of my window I can see the Hamburg TV Tower... so today I've painted that tower in his simultanious contrast manner. 
 First I've thought about the sentence 'the eyes are the window to the soul' and draw my eyes looking in a mirror in kind of Jasmin manner. I've been in the remembering of Salvador Dali and his wife and muse Gala. But then I remind me that it means 'the eyes are the gateway to the soul'.

In my twenties...

I was very much nostalgic, fallen in love with the Golden Twenties. So I've done my make-up and my hairstyle in that way, reading lots of books about the artists of the time.

Do you know how I feel when I've been to the cinema looking
Woody Allen's 'Midnight In Paris'?

Something like home... familiarly.

For more windows of this week's drawing challenge please look through the windows of your eyes through the window of your display to the window of dear host of the week: Jasmin.

No. 26 Theatre
No. 27 Metamorphosis
No. 28 Monkey

this week: No. 29 'WINDOW'  Jasmin 27.+28.08.2011

next week: No. 30 'Stained Glass' Nadine 03. + 04.09.2011

Who is next??

Donnerstag, 25. August 2011

Spätsommer / Late summer

Die Königin von der Burg am Eisenbach
weilte kurz im Park von Eppenthorp. 
Dieses milde Licht... dieser Duft der Bäume und Erde... Es ist Spätsommer geworden! Kurzerhand wird in der Küche die Dekoration gewechselt: 
Die Muscheln und die Bilder von der See werden abgehängt und gegen die Obstteller ausgetauscht. 

 The Queen of the Castle at the Eisenbach 
lingered at the park of Eppenthorp. 
This mild light... this fragrance of trees and soil... It has become late summer! 
Suddenly the decoration of the kitchen is changed: 
The shells and the pictures from the seaside are taken down and exchanged against the fruits plates.

wird die Szenerie durch das Licht der rosa Lampe (die die Königin im Galopp gefangen hatte) beschienen.

In the evening 
the scenery lamplit by the rose one (that the Queen has catched at a galopp).

Sonntag, 21. August 2011

Drawing Challenge #28: MONKEY

For this week's drawing challenge the theme is Monkey. First I miss a Monkey for turmoil, rumpus...

Than I find a book and some music of the Peters: The Woman and the Ape of Peter Høeg and Stadtaffe of Peter Fox.

 But than I recognize that my youngest child is born as a monkey in the chinese horoscope! She is a very friendly person who is doing little jokes and bring us laughters... 

The muse has kissed me: 
For my school beginner I draw a hornbook: 
'Aa wie Affe' means in English 'Mm like Monkey'.

I grounded a 24x30cm canvas with acrylic and draw with pastel colour. The monkey's rock is added with a photo of a heap of suitcases from the German Vogue.

 For more Monkeys get over to the Swedish Sock Festival of rocking Elisabeth!

No. 26 Theatre
No. 27 Metamorphosis

No. 28 'MONKEY'  Elisabeth 20.+21.08.2011

No. 29 'WINDOW'  Jasmin 27.+28.08.2011

No. 30 'Stained Glass' Nadine 03. + 04.09.2011

Who is next??

Freitag, 19. August 2011

Ordnung / Order

Draussen regnet es - mal wieder. 
So widmet sich die Königin von der Burg am Eisenbach der Ordnung im Inneren. 

Es ist Zeit für einen neuen Rhythmus.

Outside its raining - once again. 
So the Queen of the Castle at the Eisenbach dedicates of the order in the inside. 

Its time for a new rhythm.

See you at the weekend with 'Monkey' at Elisabeth's?

Mittwoch, 17. August 2011

Doppelt und einfach / Double and readily

Die Woche 
hat mit der Einschulung der Prinzessin und des Prinzen der Burg am Eisenbach in die weiterführende Schule begonnen... sehr bewegend!
Zur Begrüßung wurden ihnen Sonnenblumen gereicht.

This week 
has begun with the first day at secondary school for the princess and the prince of the Castle at the Eisenbach... very emotional!
It was given to them sunflowers salutatory.

Am Tag darauf folgte ihnen die jüngste Prinzessin und wurde in die 1. Klasse eingeschult.

At the day after the youngest princess followed and enrolled in school.

Die Kinder haben sich so gefreut!
Und: Auch hier gab es für die Kinder Sonnenblumen.
Übrigens hilft diese Blume als Bachblüte, Selbständigkeit zu erlangen...

The kids were very happy!
And: Here, too, with sunflowers for the children.
After all this flower helps as a Bach flower self-dependence obtainable...

Diese sind von Vincent van Gogh.
This one are from Vincent van Gogh.

Sonntag, 14. August 2011

'Moods, Environments, Paintings'

Foto:  Johannes Arlt, Hamburger Abendblatt, 13.08.2011

May I introduce Lili Nalovi and Jesko Willert to you?

They are artists, magnificant artist. I'm crazy enough to asked for an autograph four years ago...

Those pretty couple has an new exhibition in an old hospital in Hamburg now.

 They do a fantastic metamorphosis with the building and the paintings... come and see. 
'Moods, Environments, Paintings' is open since 28th of August 2011. 

Yesterday was the Vernissage... it was just wonderful!

I didn't now, that taking photos is allowed, my camera was at home, so here some shaky cellphone pics.

We have to put off our shoes for go into the turquise room. Some delicate pictures invates to feel more sensual...


Samstag, 13. August 2011

Drawing/Art Challenge #27: METAMORPHOSIS

The Queen of the Castle at the Eisenbach
look out of the window and beheld a soughing flying swan. 

But... is it really a swan?

Maybe is it a woman who is coated in a plumage like the Swan Maiden... ?

Or is it the other way around and a woman take off her clothes and transmutes into a Swan like a Valkyrie which fly away from her husband after seven years of hymen...?

For this week's drawing challenge with Metamorphosis I chose to paint a swan. 
I've taken an 'old' canvas and paints it over with a remain of colour from my mom's last renovation... so its a kind of metamorphosis also...

Do you know the fairy from Hans Christian Andersen 'The Ugly Duckling'?  This fairy tells about the maturing process in a very lucid way.

Couples of swans are faithful and both takes care of their children... Tomorrow its 13 years ago that my husband and I said YES... and I've nothing on to fly away.

Marriage - or the art of metamorphosis together in everyday life.

This sweet drawing is from Irena Andersen, my lovely sis.

For other Metamorphosises please take a look into the world of:

No. 26 Theatre
No. 27 'Metamorphosis' Ariane 13. + 14. 08.2011

No. 28 'MONKEY'  Elisabeth 20.+21.08.2011

No. 29 '?'  Jasmin 27.+28.08.2011

No. 30 'Stained Glass' Nadine 03. + 04.09.2011

Who is next??

Freitag, 12. August 2011


 I'd like to remind you for this weekend's 'drawing challenge' with METAMORPHOSIS which even be called an
'art challenge'...

Thank you for the cue, dear Lilli!

Who is not accounted for? You?


Dienstag, 9. August 2011


May I invite you...

to the next weekend's drawing challenge? The theme is: 


Everybody is welcome to participate... Please let me know if you are in.

Montag, 8. August 2011


Die Gläser von gestern sind mit nun Marmelade gefüllt. 
Heute ist eine neue Leckerei dazugekommen. Danke, liebste Milady, für den märchenhaften Hinweis...

The jars of yesterday are filled with jam now. 
Today has arrived a new dainty. Thank you, dearest Milady, for the fairy clue...

Sonntag, 7. August 2011


schaue ich mir meine Lampenschirme von unten an und sinniere. Dann erinnere ich mich an gestern...

At sunday morning
I look at my shades from below and ponder. Than I remind of yesterday... 

und es treibt mich aus dem Bett...

and it bounce me out of bed...

an den Ohrringen und 

at the earrings and

Düften vorbei... in die Küche: 

fragrances  by... into the kitchen:

'Habe ich eigentlich noch genug Marmeladengläser für mein Vorhaben? - Uff, ja!'

'Have I actually enough jam jars for my intention? - Ouff, yes!'

Gestern waren wir zur Ernte der schon reifen anderen Früchte eingeladen:
Die ersten Pflaumen!

Yesterday we've been invited for the picking of ripe other fruits: 
The first plums!

Ich backe wohl noch dazu einen Hefe-Kuchen belegt mit leckeren Pflaumen... nur: mir fehlt noch ein Rezept - habt ihr ein schönes Rezept?

Perhaps I'll bake a yeast cake covered with dainty plums at that... but: a recept is missing - do you have a nice recept?
