Dienstag, 27. September 2011

Apfelernte / apple picking

Von dem Obsthof Axel Schuback wird der König der Burg am Eisenbach 
zur Ernte seines Baumes eingeladen... wie viele Andere auch. So fahren er und seine Frau, die Königin der Burg, samt Prinzessinnen und Prinzen und vielen Anderen zu ihren Bäumen.

From the Obsthof Axel Schuback the King of the Castle at the Eisenbach
is invited to harvest of his tree... as many others. So he and his wife, the Queen of the Castle, together with Princesses and Prince and many others drives to their trees.

 Es ist ein aufregender und schöner Tag: ein wahres Fest! Und die Birnen kullern ihnen auch schon reif entgegen - aber das ist einen andere Geschichte...

It is a exciting and beautiful day: a real feast! And the pears wobbles with them as well - but that is another story...

Samstag, 24. September 2011

Drawing challenge: BIKE

With music from Arcade Fire in her ears, the wind on her face and memories of her (sometimes rude) may in Williamscastle/Hamburg in her mind
the Queen of the Castle at the Eisenbach cycles as fast as she can. 
The landscape whizzes past on her... 
what a fantastic thrill of speed!

Free the mind.

Abruptly stop she's seen in Copenhagen in summertime... get off lightly.

Sometimes its better to ease up and shift down a gear (now with a slowly musical piece in the ears)... enjoying the landscape...

to enjoy beeing with the Prince and Princesses...

and having a good gas with friends coming with rich booty from the market at the viaduct.

This week's drawing challenge is hosted by lovely moving Rachel
So please, cycle to her Hi Happy Panda to have look at special bikes all over the world.

No. 33 'Bike' Rachel 24. + 25.09.2011 

No. 34 'Breakfast' Patrice 01.+02.10.2011

Who is next?? 

Mittwoch, 21. September 2011

Betriebsausflug / Annual work outing

Auf unserem Betriebsausflug 
 sehen wir die Köhlbrandbrücke im Miniatur-Wunderland 
 in klein. Später überqueren wir sie dann in natura.

At the annual work outing 
 we see the Köhlbrand-Bridge in small in the Miniatur-Wonderland. Later then we're passing the bridge in nature.

Bei der 'Auge in Auge mit den Giganten'-Bustour geht es nach der Passkontrolle in den Hafen. Der Tourguide erzählt und erklärt während der Fahrt uns Hamburgern viel Interessantes über den Hafen. Den Burchardkai gucken wir uns näher an...

With the bustour 'Eye in eye with the giants' it goes after the passport control into the harbour. The tourguide tell and explain us many interesting things during the drive about the harbour to us Hamburger. We have a closer look at the Burchardkai...

... and machen eine Pause im Duckdalben, einem Seemannsheim.

... and take a break in 'Duckdalben', a home for seamen.

Wegen einer Bombenentschärfung 
einer Bombe aus dem 2. Weltkrieg können wir unsere Tour nicht wie geplant nach Altenwerder fortsetzen. 
Wir nehmen aber wie gewollt die Fähre 
von Finkenwerder zum Museumshafen Oevelgönne über die Elbe... nun umkreisen wir den Burchardkai auf dem Wasser.

Because of a bomb disposal 
from a bomb of the Worldwar II we can't continue our trip as scheduled to Altenwerder.
But we take as planned 
the ferry from Finkenwerder to Museumshafen Oevelgönne across the River Elbe... now we orbit the Burchardkai on the water.

Dort wartet ein leckeres Buffet im historischen Wartehäuschen auf uns. 
Vis-à-vis wird am Burchardkai weitergearbeitet, während bei uns langsam die Lichter ausgehen.

There is waiting for us a delicious buffet in the historic ferry shelter. 
 Vis-à-vis at the Burchardkai the work is going on, during the lights at our place slowly go  off.

Großer Dank an die Firma! Thank you very much to the Company!

Samstag, 17. September 2011

Drawing challenge: SHIP

Whitout sails 
we better not let the pirat ship of the Prince of the Castle at the Eisenbach into the water.

So his twinsister, the Princess of the Castle at the Eisenbach, begins to fold some
ships out of paper:

Then we go to the pond in the park.

Some of the ships are swimming!...

... and some ships dip in the water very fast.

Here you can see an much bigger ship (sorry, its only in German but it speaks for itself)...

Suddenly we hear loud giggling:
Ah, look, some little fairies in search of chestnuts and acorns... oh, and we see the youngest Princess of the Castle at the Eisenbach on a birthday party of her dear friend.

And the ships still swim. Can you find them near the reeds?

For more 'ships', please sail to Sweden.
This week's drawing challenge is hosted by initiator herself wonderful creative
Elisabeth of textilspanieln.

No. 32 'SHIP' Elisabeth 17. + 18.09.2011

No. 33 'Bike' Rachel 24. + 25.09.2011

Who is next??
