Dienstag, 12. November 2013


Wenn die Wellen über mir zusammenschlagen, 
tauche ich hinab, nach Perlen zu fischen. 

When the waves pound over me,
I dive down to troll after pearls

Mascha Kaléko...
 sagt es so schön poetisch... says it so beautiful poetic

Unserer ältesten Tochter geht es wieder gut,
sie macht ihrer kleinen Schwester hübsche Frisuren... ihr Zwillingsbruder lernt weiter laufen und ich, ich backe wieder Kuchen. Verliere unsere Jüngste beim Laternelaufen im Dunkeln und Gewimmel... später finden wir uns,

Our eldest daughter is well again,
she is doing pretty hairstyles with her little sister... her twin brother is learning on to walk and I, I bake cake again. Lost our youngest during latern walk in the dark
and swarm... later we find us,

First two pics by my husband.

5 Kommentare:

  1. your eldest daughter well again
    have i missed something???!

    love the hairstyle
    oh, that beautiful red hair
    and here too
    lanterns in the night ;^))
    hope YOU are fine too....

    Patrice A.

  2. liebste ariane, ich hab's wohl auch nicht mitbekommen
    das es der ältesten nicht gut ging!!??
    was ist das für ein geschläuchel um die hand??
    nehmt euch zeit und ruhe, für euch,
    das laufen lernen und das backen...
    xox julia

    1. My sweet friends,
      I haven't told you, it happened very fast and was too frightening. Our eldest had a bad time, but thank God very fast she was well again. The 'Geschläuchel', the little tube is a cable for the blood pressure monitor during the night. In the first pic you can see its little red light. More behind the trees.
      xo Ariane.

  3. oh?! i am happy to hear though that the situation is better already...take care!
    beautiful hairdo, very romantic. and your cake, ahhhhhh!
    hugs to you dear a.

  4. hope all continues to be better.
    baking is the best remedy, if you find the courage, which you do.

