Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2012

Reminder: dc SHADOW

While I'm removing woodchip wallpaper from the wall, shadows dances with the peonies.

For this week's drawing challenge with the theme SHADOW are these 
the lovely participants til now:

Anyone else?

Please let me know that you are in and I'll add you to the list. Anything goes. 
Publish your work at the next weekend, the 02nd and 03rd of June.

Montag, 28. Mai 2012



Orlando doesn't let me go. 
This is a new version of my paperdoll drama. I've had this one in my head, outcoming was the first version, surprising for me. 
During working on it I've gone astray to write under her skirt... My nib was twisted and I cut a quill of a goose for writing. But the flow was so big that I had to write larger. But there weren't so much place for the words under her skirt.

And: I dare to write in German now, although its closer to me...


May I please be our next host and invite you for the next week's drawing challenge?

The theme is SHADOW

Please let me know that you are in and I'll add you to the list. Anything goes. 
Publish your work at the next weekend, the 02nd and 03rd of June 
(Dear Patrice, take your time)

Wish you a sunny week!


Samstag, 26. Mai 2012

Drawing challenge: PAPERDOLL / DRAMA




emerged  anew started.
Its a better translation, maybe.


This week's host of the drawing challenge is Norma with PAPERDOLL / DRAMA. 

The theme completes the circle... our very first theme from initiator dear Elisabeth was PAPERDOLL.

I've choosen ORLANDO from Virginia Woolf, which is one of my favorite books,

even the movie, of course
and it worked on stage pretty good, too.

Only three scenes I've picked off and started to draw, cut and
added pages of mags.

Please raise the curtain of Norma's exciting place to have a look on more dolls.


No. 52 Industrial
No. 53 Connection

No. 54 Garden

No. 61 Fairy tale


Now: No. 62 Norma with''Paperdoll/Drama' at 26.+27.05.2012


next: No. 63 Ariane with SHADOW at 02.+03.06.2012


following: No. 64 Mano 09.+10.06.2012


Who is next?

Freitag, 25. Mai 2012

Zunehmender Mond / Waxing moon


Als Teenies versteckte Knospen
Mit den Jahren Erblühen 
Jede für sich
Immer wieder
Viele, viele Geburtstage schon
"Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, liebste K."

Back in the days
As teenies hidden buds
With the years blossom into
Each apart
Time and again
Many, many birthdays already
"Happy Birthday to you, dearest K."

Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2012

Blumen und... / Flowers and...

Am Arbeitsplatz der Königin der Burg am Eisenbach liegt seit neuestem ein dickes Buch: REVOLUTION steht drauf und eine Fleur de lis. 
Das Buch birgt ein Geheimnis, denn... 
es ist eine Kiste!

At the workplace of the Queen of the Castle at the Eisenbach lays as of late a big book: REVOLUTION reads here and a fleur de lis. 
The book harbours a secret, because... 
it is a case!

Neben dem Gerüst mit der Folie auf dem Balkon erblüht 'Augusta Luise
und in der Küche ihre Pfingstrosenschwestern auch. 
Weil es so sommerlich heiss hoch oben in der Burg am Eisenbach ist, hat die Königin die kühlen blauen Vorhänge aufgehängt (danke Bib :-))

Beside the scaffold with the plastic at the balcony blooms 'Augusta Luise' 
and in the kitchen her Peonysisters too. 
Because it is summery hot aloft in the Castle at the Eisenbach, the Queen hangs the coldly blue curtains (thank you Bib :-))

Erinnert Ihr Euch an Eure erste große Liebe?

Do you remember your very first love?

Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012

Wann ist der Anfang?/When is the start?

Für Manche beginnt der folgende Tag mit dem Abendgebet.
Wenn es anfängt zu dämmern und sich die Vögel eine 'Gute Nacht' wünschen.

For some the following day starts with the evening prayer. 
When it starts to dawn and the birds wishes each other a 'Good Night'.

Gestern haben wir wieder zusammen gefeiert...

Yesterday, again we've celebrated together...

und heute mischt sich Abschiedsschmerz...

and today is mixing wrench...

mit Entspannung unter einer alten Kastanie bei Planten un Blomen.

with relaxing under an old chestnut tree at 'Planten un Blomen' 
(Low German for 'Plants and Flowers', a park).

Wünsche Euch einen 'Guten, duftigen Morgen'!

Wish you a 'Good, aromatical morning'!
