Samstag, 12. Mai 2012

Drawing challenge: POMPON/SKIRT

made by many plies of thin paper hanging from the ceiling in the kitchen of the Castle at the Eisenbach like green salad.

In times of pre-postmaterialism the Queen goes flat out!

Even in her boudoir...

Queen R.

Maybe this necklace will be toooooo much?

And this two hand made by oldest daughter pompons...? 
as a crown, the huge or the smaler one...?

The dear Stefanie is our host of this week's drawing challenge with many 
POMPONs and/or SKIRTs. 

Come on over, have look at her delicious place and you will find more of them!

UPDATE: the big pompon has a perimeter of 44cm!
and I will visit your pompons during this week ;-)

Who is next?

14 Kommentare:

  1. Was für ein schöner und pompompinöser Beitrag!
    what a beautiful post, dear Ariane, thanks for the pictures and informations.
    Schöne Grüße, Stefanie

  2. oh yes! an abundance of pompons at the Castle, your kitchen got a really festive flair now but the luxurious pompons your daughter made steal my heart, such great colour combinations and a good cuddly size, xx

  3. love the pompoms that your daughter made! I is funny to see that you love them so much, I don't have anything in my home with pompoms.greetings and a nice weekend

  4. The necklace is not tooooooo much at all! I love it!

  5. schön und geheimnisvoll sind deine bilder - eigentlich will ich jetzt noch genauer hinsehen...;)
    pompöse grüße von birgit

  6. Green pompoms hanging from the ceiling in the kitchen? Over the top. Funny and quirky and wonderful. What a fun post this is. I enjoyed it very much while drinking my morning cup of coffee. *smiles* Norma

  7. i honestly don't know where to look first! the thrilling white against dark drawing, the real time pompoms, that ruffled skirt or your lettuce pompom hanging from the ceiling! really! you've spoilt us!!

  8. a gorgeous collection of images that evoke such wonderful feelings of home and family and history.
    I really love how you get the family involved it just makes the experience so much richer. Your associations to themes are always interesting I love the first 2 images really lovely and nicely framed.

    Always a pleasure....enjoy the weekend! Helen :)

  9. So many wonderful pompoms, Ariane! Your daughter's pompoms are so thick and colourful. The salad pompoms and ruffly skirt are such fun. Happy week to you!

  10. ;^)))

    so many pompons
    and they suit you and your castle so well!
    I fell in love with the pompons
    of your daughter
    I never made them
    but after seeing them I want to try


  11. diese dicken, flauschigen pomponbälle sind fantastisch. ich muss wohl in die lehre deiner töchter gehen!
    herzlichen gruß, mano
    ps: beim ersten foto dachte ich wirklich an salat :))

  12. oh, how I love your simple white drawing! and those giant pompons are the best. i would totally wear one on on my crown, the big one!

  13. pomponparty with the queen!

    so vielseitig und zartkunterbunt. love!

    und hab mich verliebt. in den kopfsalatpompon.

    großes lob an die älteste der prinzessinnen. finde die wollbommel superkalifragilistikexpialigetisch!!!


  14. Wow so lovely! The last image is amazing!!! I want to touch them! :)

