Sonntag, 20. Juli 2014

Rose's break

Es ist laut, staubig und heiß am Eisenbach. 
Die Burg wird renoviert, Presslufthammer von 7-17h, Staubwolken.

It is loud, dusty and hot at the Eisenbach.
The castle is renovated, jackhammer from 7-5h, dustclouds.

 In den Eisenbach wird Sauerstoff gegeben, damit die Fische überleben. Die Blumen blühen und duften, die Hummeln summen weiter, einfach weiter

Into the Eisenbach is added oxygen, thereby the fishes survive. The flowers blossoms and smells, the bumblebees buzzes on, on and on

immer weiter... on and on

 und bald kann ich von dort aus auch die Aussicht genießen

and soon I can enjoy the sight from that place 

(er hier ist ein Handwerker, der unsere neue Wohnung mit Sprossenfenstern versehen hat.

he is a workman who has provided the new flat with muntin windows)

Derweil packe ich meine Kostbarkeiten ein, räume, putze... usw.
und freue mich auf das Auspacken

While I pack my precious objects, vacate, clean... aso 
and look forward for unpacking.


Hier lege ich nun eine Pause ein 

Here I have a break 

(probably until the next drawing challenge at Nadine's, at the 30th + 31th of August)


You can find me for small, quick glimpses at instagram and fb

Wish you a really beautiful time!

Samstag, 12. Juli 2014

dc #142: What's That?


What's That?
Is it a squirrel-angel over the roof?

and that? 

What's That?

* solving down at the end of this post

After all:
My favorite camera lens is broken
so I have photographed the moon with my telephoto lens. 
All other photos here I have taken by my new cellphone (lay in my drawer for weeks, but...)
even for this week's drawing challenge (and as of late I use Instagram...
hello! I have met there many friends :-)

Please come to Carole's to find more posts for her theme What's That?

P.S. Do you agree with a little dc summer break, too?
Dear Nadeschda mentioned it and I think I need a break, 'cause of the move.


No 141: Inner Eye 

today: No 142 Carole: What's That?

*dc Summer break* ?

back at the weekend of the 23rd + 24th of August (?)
with No 143 woolfy Nadeschda's theme

 . . .


it is better to have more than one, the own, sight on things to make the picture complete. Thank you, dear friends, that you share your sight with me!

Love, Ariane.

Sonntag, 6. Juli 2014

dc #141: Inner Eye

It happens while movement
 (floating with e.g. this music)

when stay, too

with closed eyes

 My mother is clairvoyant
her mother was, too
as even me 
(it is so easy for me to go with my inner eye, 
it has been years approaching the here and now and I am glad having both now)

 and I have got my attentive eye on my daughters (is it a female phenomenon?)
The eldest, right,  has painted faces with three eyes as a four-old girl. For her simply normal. The youngest produced this monocle, left, with place for the nose... and the third eye.

For me the inner eye is the third eye, the same as the 6th chakra. 
This chakra is located in the head, it opens on the forehead between the eyebrows. It corresponds to the colours violet, indigo or deep blue.

So, I have given the porcelain figure a violet bindi, show you surreal works of my daughters and I rouged three eyes here and added an indigo-coloured blossom for this week's drawing challenge theme Inner Eye of our host Susan. Please find her colourful place to enjoy the turn out of more inner sights.

*    *



No 141: Susan with the Inner Eye at the 5th + 6th of July

next: No 142 Carole What's That?
at  the 12th + 13h of July

following: No 143 woolfy Nadeschda

 . . .

Who is our next host?

wish you a good sight!

Dienstag, 1. Juli 2014


Jungspunde... whippersnappers

Abendstimmung... evening mood

 GER:ALG (30.06.)

 BEL:USA (01.07.)

 Himmelszelt... heaven's tent

I am absorbed 
even by the World Cup
and looking forward to a visit of my niece and friend from Canada!

 (next host of dc is Sus with her theme Inner Eye at this weekend)


    Ihr Lieben,  i m Gegensatz zum Tagebuch, das nicht von Anderen gelesen werden soll, ist so ein Weblog etwas, das gerne geteilt wird. So ...