Samstag, 31. Mai 2014

dc 137: No Limits

The sepals are protection
in tender times of the European peony


in the wee hours 
I have a dream (really!)

of blue waters

 becomes haze... I ascend
and I see feet of birds
(like graphic characters... I try to decode them, but...)

 the twinkle distracts me (oh, basic colours?)

 my sight is tending upwards

cranes... Grus grus!

and it sparkles, again, like freedom!

No limits

is the drawing challenge's theme of our host Roberto (thank you, Hombre)!

and maybe the birds of him disturbed me, hahaha, mind doesn't know limits*. So, for this dc I have paint my dream of no limits with water colours, permanent marker and glitter glue pencils.

Please make sure to visit Roberto's place... there are no borders in www.


* sometimes mind do know limits... so we have to open our minds again and again

I wish you a happy free time


No 136 with Memory

today: No 137 with Roberto at the weekend of the 31st of May + 1st of June with No Limits

next: No 138 at Patrice's

. . .

Who is our next host?


Montag, 26. Mai 2014


Bei schönstem Wetter sind wir zu einer Feier an der Bille eingeladen

At clearest weather we are invited to a festivity at the River Bille 

und die Kinder kapern das Tretboot. 
Ich fotografiere mit der leichten Kamera von meinem Mann den Himmel im Wasser
 und trete auch eine Runde mit.

and the kids seize the pedal boat. 
I photograph with the light camera of my husband the sky in the water
 and step for a stroll, too.

*sigh* wonderful!

Our next host for the dc this weekend is...Roberto!
He will announce at pace his theme, so please stay tuned :-)

Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014


Morgens ist es so duftig und luftig, dass ich die Zeit vergesse 
(und zu spät zur Arbeit komme). Im Laufe des Tages klettern die Temperaturen auf 30°C.

At the morning it is as much aromatical and airy, that I forget the time (and am late for work). As the day progresses the temperatures rises up to 30 degrees C.

Nach der Arbeit sehe ich einen wolkigen Schwan über der 
Alsterfontäne und höre Schwalben zwitschern.

After work I see a cloudy swan above the fountain of the 
River Alster and hear swallows chirp.


Springe schnell rüber in den Park

Popping down the park

erfrische mich und fahre nach Hause zur Burg am Eisenbach

refresh me and drive home to the Castle at the Eisenbach

Ein fließender Übergang zu kichernden Mädchen...

A fluent transition to giggling girls...


sweet dreams!

At the next morning: questions:

who is our next host of the drawing challenge?


which is your most looked post of the dc? I wonder.

Mine is the very first: Paperdoll. by far. 

I wonder.


    Ihr Lieben,  i m Gegensatz zum Tagebuch, das nicht von Anderen gelesen werden soll, ist so ein Weblog etwas, das gerne geteilt wird. So ...