Donnerstag, 29. November 2012

UPDATE: Diese Woche bis jetzt

 Diese Woche war bis jetzt sehr gesellig...

This week was very gregarious by now...

(This pic tells more, doens't it?)

 jetzt fühle ich mich gerade so

  now I feeling like this

Zebra, by George Stubbs, 1763

und so... and so...

 Zebra, by youngest Princess... she dicovered the perspective!

und dann wieder so

and then like this again

 Genuss und Pläne...

Pleasure and plans...

 Did you recognized that  Elisabeth's dc theme 'State Of Mind' is moving me?

Sonntag, 25. November 2012

dc Little Red Riding Hood


 One of these days even I will tell both of my (red haired) daughters, "My dear daughter, my dear daughter, keep on the straight way, doesn't matter if in the woods or in urban jungle... be attentive of a hungry wolf!"...





 One of these days I will tell my son, " My dear son, be attentive of little Red Riding Hood!"...


This fairy tale is written down by the Grimm Brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm. The younger brother Ludwig Emil (*2) was a painter in the earliest European artist colony in Hesse, Germany. Later the German painter Otto Ubbelohde lives there, too, and illustrated this fairy (*1) which is orininally from France. Interesting is that the costume of the Schwalm in Hesse for the girls is with a little red hat. This tale could be work as an initiation for young girls when the time comes for their menarge.

 Our host for this week's dc is dear Patrice with, you know it already, no?
 'Little Red Riding Hood'.
As a child reading this fairy tale I felt compassion with both, Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf. I've made this drawing by pencil, red ink and lipstick.

For more Reds please visit dear Patrice's marvellous place. Wish you a happy sunday!

*4 Woolfy Red Riding Hood, felt poppy by Daniela Maniva Melo


 No. 83 Habit

Now: No. 84 Patrice with 'Little Red Riding Hood' at the 24th + 25th of November

No. 85 Elisabeth from 'garnapa' (formerly known as 'textilspanieln', she is the initiator of this drawing challenge in January 2011) Her theme is 'State Of Mind' at this weekend.

No. 86 woolfy Nadeschda at the 8th + 9th of December


Freitag, 23. November 2012

Mit Barbara zu Louis Gurlitt

Im mikkels haben Barbara und ich uns auf ein paar Leckereien getroffen, 
um dann ins Jenischhaus zu fahren und die Ausstellung von dem Deutschen Maler
 Louis Gurlitt anzusehen.

At the mikkels Barbara and I has met for some dainties, eventually to move to the Jenischhouse to watch the German Painter Louis Gurlitt in a exhibit.

Vorbei auch an Mammutbäumen... Past even at Sequoia...

Drinnen Himmlisches... Inside heavenly...

in Öl... in oil...

mit Bleistift... with lead pencil...

und schönes Unfertiges... and beautiful unfinished...


  ... und draussen Ginkgofrüchte, die wir erst eifrig aufsammeln, dann aber naserümpfend wieder wegwerfen, weil sie stinken! Barbara nennt sie 'Stink-go' ;)

 ... and outside fruits of Ginkgo tree, that we first avid collects, but next sniffish dumps away because they are stinking! Barbara names them 'stink-go' ;)

 Andere Zeichnungen auf Plakaten an Straßenwänden inspirieren auch.

Other drawings at posters on walls at the street are inspiring, too.

'Little Red Riding Hood' is coming soon. Stay tuned.

Mittwoch, 21. November 2012

Bleiernes Licht

Bleiernes Licht liegt über Hamburg... und es gibt immer wieder Lichtblicke:
- die Jüngste ist fieberfrei
 - Meine Kollegin Lady Kate hat mir heute hübschen Adventsschmuck geschenkt, den ich Euch gern bald zeigen werde...

Leady light lays over Hamburg... and there are again and again bright spots:
- the youngest is free from fever
- my workmate Lady Kate has presented to me lovely Advent decoration which I'll show you soon...

- schöne Plakate von mir unbekannten Bands

- pretty posters of stranger bands to me

- inspirierende Kunst und hoffnungvolles Knospen

- inpiring art and hopefully budding

- einen vom Sohn eigens gezogenen Zahn

- a specially by son pulled tooth

und... and

dass die schönen wrist worms von Sandra Juto angekommen sind! Klasse! Danke!

that the beautiful wrist worms by Sandra Juto has arrived! Terrific! Thank you!

Oh, und dieses ist mein 400. Post!

Oh, and these is my 400th post!


    Ihr Lieben,  i m Gegensatz zum Tagebuch, das nicht von Anderen gelesen werden soll, ist so ein Weblog etwas, das gerne geteilt wird. So ...