Mittwoch, 26. Februar 2014









Mein Mann weckte mich mit den Worten: "Der Mond sieht gerade so schön aus..."
Ein wohliges Schmunzeln begleitet mich durch den Tag: 
vom Sonnenaufgang bis zum Nachtlied des Rotkehlchens(!)

My husband woke me up with the words: "the moon looks very nice right now..."
A pleased grin escorts me through the day: 
from the sunrise til the Nightsong of the robin (!)


RobertoCaroleKristenNadineSusan, PatriceBarbara,
Celine and Renilde

are already in with VASEs for this weekend's drawing challenge... Are you?

PS I will still come to have 'eye contact'... but I am running out of time... try my very best!

Montag, 24. Februar 2014

Invitation dc!

Auch wenn es draußen (hier) noch Winter ist, blüht es drinnen ganzjährig...

 Even when it is outside still Winter (here), it blossoms inside year-round...

 and what do we use to put them into and feed them with water?

May I please invite you to the next drawing challenge this weekend, the first in March?

The theme is VASE 


You can draw with a pencil etc., or cut in wood... linoleum, take photos, paint with watercolour, oil or coffee... Please leave a comment to tell you are in. I will add you to the list of participants and link with your blog. And this weekend you link with Rose here and
we all will meet together with VASEs.

Samstag, 22. Februar 2014

dc #128: EYE CONTACT

Eye Contact goes straight to the heart... even when refused. 
For this week's drawing challenge it is Renilde's theme: Eye Contact and I am allowed to play along with my nearly 13-years-old daughter ;-) Danke, Du Süße!

In a fave movie of mine Tilda Swinton as Orlando opens the 'fourth wall' with her eye: she looks into the camera for instance here and here and of course here (in the first 2 minutes)

Eye Contact opens an other dimension.

You can see it at Renilde's Stroke of the Brush!

Wish you a sunny weekend!

dc ...
*No 128: Renilde of Stroke of the Brush with Eye Contact
at the 22nd + 23rd of February

No 129: Ariane of Rose at the first weekend of March

No 130: Nadeschda of woolfenbell at the 8th+ 9th of March

No 131: Kristen of A Sunny Spot

Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014


Manche Dinge werden erst im Zwielicht sichtbar.

Some things becomes apparent just in the twilight.

PS: next drawing challenge:

*No 128 Renilde of Stroke of the Brush with Eye Contact
at the 22nd + 23rd of February

See ya then!

Dienstag, 18. Februar 2014


Süßes Getümmel im Ahorn am Eisenbach

Sweet hurly-burly on the marple at the Eisenbach

: Girlitz (Serinus serinus), oder? right?



*No 128: Renilde of Stroke of the Brush with Eye Contact
at the 22nd + 23rd of February

No 129: Ariane of Rose at the first weekend of March

No 130: Nadeschda of woolfenbell at the 8th+ 9th of March


    Ihr Lieben,  i m Gegensatz zum Tagebuch, das nicht von Anderen gelesen werden soll, ist so ein Weblog etwas, das gerne geteilt wird. So ...