Sonntag, 27. November 2016

1. Advent | Kranz | Kochbuch

Zum 1. Advent ist's hier sonnig

At the first advent the sun is back here

und ich habe endlich einen eigenen Tisch (AC# 197)!

rumms! das Rohmaterial für ein paar Kränze

Wham! the raw materials for some wreaths

Thuja, olive branches, eukalyptus, rosemary and rose hips... hmm, and hydrangea

Ich nehme das, was in den nächsten 5 Wochen 
in Würde trocknet und dabei auch noch gut duftet 

I take this, what will dry in the next 5 weeks 
with dignity and smells good, too



Ich habe in der AC#195 Garden Party etwas angedeutet

I have hinted at a project in the AC#195 Garden Party


Mein Freundin Anuschka fragte mich im letzten Mai, 
ob ich bei einem Kochbuch-Projekt mit Geflüchteten fotografieren wolle
 und ich sagte zu. Nun ist das Buch KOCHABENDE fertig. 

My friend Anuschka asked me last May,
 if I would photograph for a cookbook project with refugees
 and I agreed with her. Now the cookbook is ready.

 Ich freue mich, dass ich einen kleinen Beitrag zu diesem tollen Projekt geben konnte!

I am so happy, that I could contribute a little to this great project!

 Wünsche euch einen schönen 1. Advent

Wish you a happy first advent

Love, Ariane. Rose

Samstag, 19. November 2016


I find sanctuary in mother nature
 even in fall, the metal of the Five-Phasis
(which will turn into water in a few weeks)

and I take it to the inside

Thank God, I am not, what I lost
and I understand that
I carry my sanctuary with me –
what a gift!

and: in carrying on
there is enough (new) beauty
right in the centre

into the infinite 
back to myself
pull threads around me
to escape

                                                      (after Else Lasker-Schüler)



today: No. 201 SANCTUARY


Dear Veronica is our host of the Art Challenge
No 201 with her theme SANCTUARY
Thank you, Dear, for catching the ball ;-)

For this Art Challenge I have meditated after a (detail) of a poem 
by Else Lasker-Schüler with oil pastels 
on a paper of a frame, that I've found at the flea market and add with 
a pencil some golden 'threads' and give it back to the frame.

You can have a little peep into the inside of the Castle at Eisenbach. 
As my friend Isolde once said, there are many kinds of altar...

Do you find in my photos, here, the repeating pattern and lines of circle and
oval which is a lying circle and - egg-shaped not less than

the genesis


For more SANCTUARY please visit
the amazing place of Veronica Roth


Who wanna host the next AC?

Repeating pattern:🌹🌖

Thank you for your visit. 
I wish you a happy weekend!
Love, Ariane. Rose

Montag, 14. November 2016

to the supermoon (and back)





no moon in sight (too misty) but naked ladies 're dancing in the night instead




14112016 (7:08h in the morning)
In this direction I watched the moon the last days
standing on the balcony of the Castle at evenings
Here, in the morning, the sun rises at the Eisenbach, too
(this time of the year)
(18:09h in the evening)
To find a point to overview the whole sky
I drive to the Elbphilharmonie to the harbour
together with my kids and Maman.

Here at the River Elbe on the plaza, above
we await the moon
but it snows! wind beats, it's coooold! sky is gloomy...
no supermoon in sight... but inside
as we float downstairs
snow turns to rain
and later I find the moon on Dr. Hofstadter's tee ;-)

And you? Did you watch la Luna supermoon?


Our host of this week's Art Challenge is Veronica Roth
Her theme is SANCTUARY
See ya!

Love, Ariane🌹


    Ihr Lieben,  i m Gegensatz zum Tagebuch, das nicht von Anderen gelesen werden soll, ist so ein Weblog etwas, das gerne geteilt wird. So ...