Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014


Morgens ist es so duftig und luftig, dass ich die Zeit vergesse 
(und zu spät zur Arbeit komme). Im Laufe des Tages klettern die Temperaturen auf 30°C.

At the morning it is as much aromatical and airy, that I forget the time (and am late for work). As the day progresses the temperatures rises up to 30 degrees C.

Nach der Arbeit sehe ich einen wolkigen Schwan über der 
Alsterfontäne und höre Schwalben zwitschern.

After work I see a cloudy swan above the fountain of the 
River Alster and hear swallows chirp.


Springe schnell rüber in den Park

Popping down the park

erfrische mich und fahre nach Hause zur Burg am Eisenbach

refresh me and drive home to the Castle at the Eisenbach

Ein fließender Übergang zu kichernden Mädchen...

A fluent transition to giggling girls...


sweet dreams!

At the next morning: questions:

who is our next host of the drawing challenge?


which is your most looked post of the dc? I wonder.

Mine is the very first: Paperdoll. by far. 

I wonder.

6 Kommentare:

  1. Interessante Frage, mine is d.c. cup. Da war was los!
    Heute regnet es wieder Bindfäden - bei Euch auch?
    x Stefanie

  2. Man spürt auf den Bildern förmlich die Hitze.
    Hier hat es sich auch schon abgekühlt.

    Mein meist besuchter dc-Beitrag? Echt spannende Frage.
    Und aufschlussreich. Denn bei mir war es - wie passend! - "Burlesque"!!

  3. such lovely photos
    i had to stop to take to heart the water flower photos, so dreamy and lovely
    almost like paintings
    lovely Days and nights to you

  4. what a lovely image
    of your two beautiful girls!
    ha, my most looked dc post you ask
    the most pageviews of all has 'Little Red Riding Hood' (almost 600!)
    but my two favorites are 'moon' and the 100th, 'dance'

    i can be the host for the weekend of June 7
    not the coming weekend because than
    we will celebrate my fathers 75th birtday ;^))


  5. Hi Ariane, i sent to you an email, please check your inbox. Thanks!!! :)

  6. 30°! by jove, that is hot. we've narrowly escaped it. they did announce temps such as yours, but it got stuck in hamburg, undoubtedly. thank heavens for that.
    yet how convincingly you talk about all of the side effects of hot weather, people slowing down, nature becoming more dense. those waterlilies are of the most romantic kind!

    and flowing on towards family life again. a circle! a rose circle!

    ha, the dc. i peeked at my complete list and i remember, indeed, starting off with patchwork, long time ago, that! i see patrice talks about page views, let me just check if it's possible to find out about the most looked post chez moi... :
    pageviews 'dream' (but i guess it is also a popular google-term, is it not?) and most commented on : 'mandala', would you believe it?
    that was an interesting little research...! ;)))

