Samstag, 18. August 2012


'Artur, can you scry?'
- 'Unfortunately yes.'

But an apple pie maked it to deal with...
and all what he told me through his playing cards, 
became true.
Artur was my teacher at the interior design secundary school.
And he is an artist and a book printer.
Later we did many projects together and he even teached me
the woodcut from the 'lost board'.

After the drawing I cut the lines in wood. I start with the brightest colour and print the white lines.  That spaces that are to be brighten, I cut afterwards.

And so on.

At the last print I let stay what shall be black.

 'The Queen of the hearts'... the female friend

A good sign.

She is a little bit hidden here... sorry, I'm out of practice.

I am the host of this week's drawing challenge. The theme is PLAYING CARD(S).
Please have a look at following fabulous gamblers:
Patrice A., Barbara bee, herzfrische Sabine, Mano, Sus, Renilde, smiling Norma,

Have a nice weekend!

  No. 71 Crow
No 72 A Small Book

at the 18th and 19th of August 2012

No 74 Helen with CARNIVALE/CIRCUS at the 25th and 26th of August 2012

Who is our next host?

15 Kommentare:

  1. I like your queen and I have done one too, may I join the challenge?

  2. Dear Ariane, the Queen of Hearts seems to be a favourite for many. I love how your's turned out with the multiple layers showing! Thanks for showing the process too. xo Carole

  3. I bow for you
    dear queen of hearts
    a woodcut print!

    I love the outcome
    the hidden queen
    and that rose
    that sweet rose

    Patrice A.

  4. I like how Artur answered you: 'Unfortunately, yes'.
    And suddenly I remeber doing this at school as well, but I am quite sure it did not turn out like your work. I also remember my polar bear that looked like a pig. Hm.
    You are good, Ariane!

  5. dear a,
    no, i was joking about the ariane shop from denmark!

    what are you selling there? :)
    now savory pancakes for lunch!
    and this is very pretty

  6. Wow Ariane..your creations are so beautiful..they carry such a powerful presence and strong energy..marvelous..and magical!
    How i want to feel them with my hands..they seems so sensory and the texture is Beautiful!!!

  7. this kind of printing always does keep me on edge. i only stamp about! the process you show, it's like magic.
    one day, my friend, one day.

    unfortunately, not today. is it hot in hamburg?

  8. Fantastic process Ariane and even though your Queen is hidden I love the effect anyway. Great colours. I havent done woodcuts for years I might have to revisit methinks. I have posted my challenge response and even though it has a queen of hearts my technique is completely in the opposite direction. Its what I love about these challenges the display of skills and variety of processes. just wonderful. Thanks for the challenge Ariane it was a lot of fun

    Helen x

  9. My hat is off to you for the lovely queen done in multi-colored wood cut, a technique I have never mastered. Such a good challenge, Ariane - thank you! -sus

  10. liebe ariane, das war ein wunderbares thema, ich hatte ganz viel spaß mit den karten und bin begeistert von all den kreativen, herrlichen karten(spielen) der anderen teilnehmerinnen.
    ich mag holzdruck unglaublich gern, bin ein großer fan von HAP grieshaber und staune immer wieder über die tollen druckstöcke von holzschnittern. deine kleine arbeit finde ich wunderschön und dein herr artur wäre sicher sehr stolz auf dich!
    lieben gruß von mano

  11. Liebste Ariane, was für tolle Leute du da im Studium hattest! Und es hat sich gelohnt, deine Karte ist toll, ich finde gerade, dass man nicht alles sofort und genau erkennen kann, macht sie so magisch und interessant, man kann noch so viel hineininterpretieren frei nach dem Motto "Die Kunst liegt im Auge des Betrachter" - und der kann eine Menge darin sehen.
    Wunderschön liebes Röslein, Königin der Burgen und der Rosen!
    xx Barbara

  12. I am so impressed, that is sooo interesting and the result just great! Beautiful artwork!
    wunderschön, hätte nicht gedacht, dass das Thema so viel geben könnte wie bei Dir und bei den anderen Teilnehmerinnen, toll!
    Liebe Grüße, Stefanie

  13. This is a special art exercise Ariane! I have done lino cutting and printing, but only using one color. It is creative to say the least, to plan ahead to carve and print different colors as you go. Wow this is a great offering you have created. I like the idea of the female friend. I know your Queen is there and that is comforting. There is nothing like the strength of line in an image that has been 'cut.' Love this! N. xo

  14. Charming wood block and piece of art! I love the pink.. and you are a queen:)

  15. hello Ariane, i found some time at last to visit here, the work is done, my guests left early this morning and today i have a day all to myself.

    you put quite some work into this challenge and as always you show us clearly step by step how you came to your delightful result.
    i like your queen of hearts a little bit hidden, love always a bit hidden too for the outsider, that magical process is often only understandable for the queen and her lover, and sometimes not even for them :)

    beautiful work! xx

