Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2012


In the small hours of the morning when silence is all over... quiet like the flight of an owl...
at the Castle of the Eisenbach is the best time to meet ghosts. 

When we moved to the Castle a full dozen of years ago
a foreign ghost lived in our living room...
female, sadly ghost.
Although I asked her if she goes to her family, please?

...because there are many ghosts of our own history...
 and she went - Thank you, dear foreign ghost.

So we are living in love and peace with our own ghosts... mostly... Family... you know?

 This week's theme of the drawing challenge is GHOST.
In German the word 'Geist' means ghost and mind...

Please have a look at the amazing space of dear Norma, our host, to meet more ghosts.
I will appear at your spaces soon :)

Have nice days... these days...!

and thank you very much for your sweet b-day wishes ♥ makes the youngest happy!

No. 81... dear Norma is our host with GHOST

Who is our next host?

update: I'll be our next host :)

11 Kommentare:

  1. Uuuhuhh.... da sieht ja vielleicht gruselig aus - vor allem die Eule. Wie mit einem Nachtsichtgerät fotografiert...

    Lieber Gruß,

  2. A lovely spooooooooky ghost story Ariane. What a gorgeous special owl. And...what's that? I hear the sound of the stroke of midnight!! Oh. Oh. What is that I hear? A creaking door opening. Dare I look? Dare I? Wait a's closing. Oh I must look. Just a minute, be right back. (pause) I'm back. It was a ghost just leaving...she was tip toing so as not to disturb. She was polite and said that she wanted to say hello to Ariane, that she'd left that place for good, and was happy at her new abode. What manners she has. Well we wish her well and good, and settle down to eat our (ahem...Halloween Candies) snack for the day. Boo to everyone!! Love, Norma, x
    p.s. sending special birthday wishes, though late!! :)

  3. Very haunted photographs, Ariane. Wishing you happy Halloween, sus

  4. really, yes. geist would mean both ghost and mind. i find that interesting. after seeing a scary hallowe'en movie (on paranormality, which is not my topic, i must add), i understand that common link. for paranormal stuff is happening in the mind, i believe...
    well. anyway.
    nice take on a ghostly affair! you take me by surprise, which i like!

  5. these are great Ariane, the atmosphere you created, love the owl, the Castle of Eisenbach between the trees makes me think of the mood i tried to create in my painting, maybe there is somethong like a 'universal' image we have of haunted houses.
    living in an old house the ghosts of the past are always there aren't they, love your post, xx

  6. liebe ariane,
    wollen wir aus den wahnsinnsfotos nicht gleich ein buch machen!!!???
    sag JA! kuss, julia

  7. Sehr coole Fotos liebe Ariane. besonders das Foto mit der Frau (oder bist du das vielleicht?) finde ich sehr geisterhaft - toll.
    Herzliche Grüße und eine schöne Woche

  8. Dear Ariane,
    I just love your ghost post! Your photos are super with your story- so ghostlike with a beautiful translucent feel! Jill

  9. geisterhaft schön, deine bilder! die eule dürfte hier gern mal vorbeikommen!
    viele grüße, mano

  10. Thanks for your nice comments Ariane - like this ghost post esp the OWL!!!!

