Montag, 23. September 2013

Still Maria

still in my mind.

Auf dem Flohmarkt habe ich dies und das verkauft... Gewinn bringend,
doch nächstes Mal würde ich lieber die Sachen spenden und die Zeit für etwas anderes nehmen: mit Isolde Maria L. einen langen Elbspaziergang machen.

At the fleamarket I have sold this and that... gainful, 
but next time I would prefer to donate the things and spend the time for something different: together with Isolde Maria L. taking a long walk at the River Elbe.

Ich habe Versuchungen widerstanden dies und das zu kaufen... doch bei der Sammeltasse hat es mich gerissen. Vielleicht hat es auch am Marienblau nebst Gold gelegen?

I have resist temptations to buy this and that... but at the collection cup it was over. 
Maybe because of the blue with gold?

I was too tired at Sunday... will come to your Maria via dear Patrice today!

9 Kommentare:

  1. you've just crowned that pomegranate for real! whoo-hoo. enjoy today, indeedo. n♥

  2. es gibt kaum was schöneres als das innenleben eines granatapfels, oder? hach.
    liebe grüße und einen schönen wochenstart,

  3. Ditto on the photos! and that pomm is really enlightened :)

  4. dein foto von maria, silberkanne, granatapfel und sammelblaugoldtasse ist himmlisch schön!
    liebe grüße von mano

  5. I love the way you capture the things you see and then share them so freely with us. Loved catching up with you this evening. It's been such a long time. Take care, dear Ariane.

  6. sweet you!
    i LOVE your maria in the clouds
    but also these foto's
    the crown, the maria, that fifth photo, so great!
    and ofcourse you couldn't resist that cup ;^))

    thank you for joining this dc
    Patrice A.

  7. P.S.
    are you ok?
    i have noticed that
    while visiting all the blogs
    that you haven't commented yet
    and that's so not you


    1. Dear Patrice,
      I am just very busy... trying to come to your Marieke very soon. Thanks for your request, Dear

