Samstag, 11. Juni 2016

AC #196: BLUE

In order to produce indigo coloured cloth, in former days on a Saturday the dyer put the yellow plant glastum {Isatis tinctoria} al fresco in tubs together with urine til it becomes marshy. Because of alcohol was needed for that procedure, the dyer drank very much and piddled into the tub... and added the cloth. It was inside for two days and Mondays they hang out the fabric, to oxidate in the sunlight into blue. 

For this Art Challenge No. 196 my dear friend Patrice is our host.
Her theme is BLUE.

So, I have... no, no, the bottle is only for decoration 'cause of the colour! 

And the framed print by Patrice waits to be up on the wall... I have played with oil pastels in an old lexicon and have drawn

 a blossom of the glastum {Isatis tinctoria}

It has been a real pleasure to draw again, although they're little, fast ones! 
And I am happy that in my life the feeling of rosy prevails over the blue(s), mostly. 
Feel free to visit Patrice to find more of beautiful BLUE

I wish you all a happy weekend!

Love, Ariane. Rose



No. 196 at Patrice's with BLUE in June, the 11th + 12th

Who wanna be our host for the next art challenge?

7 Kommentare:

  1. oooh, the old lexicon is appealing to me, you know. i was tempted and then i turned to rummaging instead and creating something new from something old. i like that too.

    and just like you, i am so happy to 'elasticate' those finger muscles and get back to draw fun stuff too. not that the houses aren't fun, they are, but a little diversity goes a long way.

    blue. the right dose is healing. the story about the booze and pee is rather, erm, great too, in its own respect!

    gosh, missing y'all...
    ps - i'd love to host, but have no breath left... cartoon is drawing to a harrowing close and i need all my energy. somewhere in summer i'll go. and i will let you know timely.

  2. Such lovely photos and I enjoy seeing your art. I am over due for drawing or painting myself.

    Thank you for sharing about how indigo use to be made and maybe still is. I learned from my mom that indigo was made from crusted beetles.

  3. So many blues here Ariane! Such beautiful blues. How can blue be so many different colours. It's a wonderful puzzle. I do like the story about whizzing in the colour bath. (ahem)... People are unique and wonderful and surprising. I like the 'hands on' organic procedure to get the right colour of blue they wanted (indigo). And it's a joy for me to hear you are enjoying drawing again now that you've put your hand to it. Don't you love Patrice's hand printed art? I finally got around to purchasing one and I love it. It is gold ink and it says BLA BLA. Perfect. Okay bye for now; loved this post. *hands clapping while jumping* N, x

  4. Oh my goodness, I got some indigo seeds from s friend a couple years ago. She sent them from Denmark to Canada and I tried to grow them but not a single one came up! I should try again. That colour is so spectacular. Love all your blue photos, and especially the delphiniums and cornflowers. So much easier to grow!

  5. Such a great variety of blue shades here, Ariane! I really like your drawings, and the lovely flowers. Thanks also for sharing that information about indigo dye; I had no idea that's how it was done!

  6. I like your soft blues. The left 'bildniskunst'image reminds me of an blue painted face I once saw in Venice. I wonder if it's from there? - eric

  7. dear YOU.
    thank you for joining and the story about blue
    would love to work with indigo one day!
    all that blue in your images
    soft and welcome, lift me up
    see you soon!!

