Donnerstag, 17. April 2014

Mondekstase... und Frohe Ostern!

Am Montagabend fegten Wolken über den Himmel... 
gaben hin und wieder einen Blick auf la Luna frei (und Mars).

At Monday evening clouds swept across the sky... 
gave ever and anon a blink free at la luna (and Mars).

Am nächsten Morgen war woanders sichtbar,

At the next morning was somewhere else visible,

Von dieser Röte 

Of this rubycundity

war am Abend, der Dienstag war es, leider hier nichts mehr zu sehen

was at eve, of Tuesday, alas from this point nothing to see 

 aber sehr viel Licht... 
einen langsamen Atemzug lang fing ich sogar Sterne ein

but very much light...
a slowly breath long I caught even stars




Während ich am Himmel nun Hasen hoppeln sehe, wünsche ich Euch
frohe Osterfeiertage!

While I see at heaven rabbits scamper now, I wish you
happy Easter holidays!


7 Kommentare:

  1. sweet Rose
    i enjoyed your dc hat very much
    but this post.... wauw....
    how i love (LOVE!) your images of la Luna
    every time i see her i think of you!
    du (und sie) auch eine frohe Osterfeiertage!
    Patrice A.

    no cherry blossom yet?....

    1. Sure! Dear, I have sent you an email last Friday:
      Dearest Patrice,
      now I truly know why there is a tomorrow... thank you very, very much!
      Your cherryblossom print and the print of the quote is sooo beautiful...
      makes me weep for touch and joy.

      Thank you, Dear!
      Big hug and kiss left right left!

    2. i haven't received you email
      but am so, so glad the print(s) ;^))
      arrived safely!

      left right left

  2. Such luscious photos, Ariane.
    Happy Easter to you. xo Carole

  3. loving your moons and the signs of spring.

  4. Beautiful pictures, s looked with pleasure
    I wish you a happy Easter.
    a greet you Christiene

  5. thank you for such warm and heavenly lit wishes. as i saw the full moon shining last week, and pulled my hotel room curtain closed, i thought of you. i knew you'd be over the moon by nature's gifts in the sky... n♥
    i hope you are spending a beautiful easter break.

