Donnerstag, 20. August 2015


Diese Malve habe ich von Lady A. von Eppenthorp in Pflege bekommen.
Meine liebe Freundin ist für eine längere Zeit nicht hier, sondern dort im Süden, am Nil.

These mallow of Lady A. of Eppenthorp I foster.
My dear friend is for a lengthly period of time not here but there in the South, at the River Nile.

Wir sortieren uns neu. Und nicht neu.

We arrange us. New and not new.

und manchmal ist der rote Faden pink

and sometimes the golden thread is pink...

The theme of the next drawing challenge is 'tiny'. 
Sweet Tammie Lee is our host this coming weekend.

Because I couldn't come to France this week,
I catch this pretty plate with butterfly on

Seedpots from Khartoum/Sudan
Tiny eye by Lyndie Dourthe

and a ring of pearls in progress

1 Kommentar:

  1. "at the river nile", doesn't that sound almost too good to be true. you have a friend who's sejourning near the river nile? very decent!

    i LOVE burgundy-aubergine colour, oh i chose that! uni-colour even, plain, is that possible also? oh, that would be swell, ariane! but, listen! you're putting your heart and soul in this, who am i to chose? any colour is fine (and i LOVE aubergine, did i say?)
    sorry i didn't stop earlier... all of a sudden it got so busy here, glad it's now nearing time to go. i've started drawing houses again, and well. i'm falling... in love.. all over again... good feeling. difficult to close my drawing to a halt in the mornings, when i walk into work...

    enjoy your friday, i know i will! see ya on sunday. lunch was a rush, wasn't it? ;))) n♥

