Freitag, 4. September 2015


In der Zwischenzeit - nicht weit entfernt - * 
beobachte ich das schwindende Licht
{hier, innerhalb von 3 Minuten}

In the meantime - not far away - * 
I watch the vanishing light
{here, within three minutes}

* Monty Python's And Now for Something Completely Different, 1971

Moonworts [genus Lunaria]
Dahlia and great masterwort [Astrantia major]

The next drawing challenge is on the weekend after this coming, at the 12th + 13th of September.
Our host will be Veronica (hope the jet lag is not too bad for you, back in Canada).
Nadeschda will follow as our host the weekend after, at the 19th + 20th of September. In the meantime I will waiting for some news and photos from another Canadian Lady, coming from BC to France, Belgium and the Netherlands :-)

1 Kommentar:

  1. good morning, ariane.
    your lichtspiel is so peaceful, so september woody, and so you, dreamy and nostalgic. i love finding your reflection in your images too, so hi, there! how are you?

    last night, as i opened my mail box i found your parcel. how neatly do you iron??? i'm just not going to wear my pj's, so beautifully flawless! and oh, the tiny object. i need time to do a little photo session and will get back to you! thxs for adding me to the DC list too!

    ain't that the truth, canada is coming... and preps are being made. i'll make sure carole's in the picture for that particular DC. i'll think of something.

    wishing you a delightful friday (i've time off today as well, my last friday in many months to come... ) and a happy weekend to you, with family and friends. n♥

