Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015

dc #178: COVER

Different cover, a kind of skin:
look, the pumpkin here with a derma like a whale, scarry from live.
Cover implies an inside and an outside, too, a boundary, a line. Foreground and background. It is Autumn and leafes are falling and will soon cover the ground. A big metamorphosis!

I have collected some leaves of the Ginkgo biloba
(please click to read the poem by J. W. v. Goethe) and intensified their impression of butterfly shape with a few cuts...

and pinned it on the pumpkin:


I am the host with this theme for the 178th of drawing challenge
 and wanna thank you, dear friends, for join in :-)
and Roberto!

I wish you a wonderful day!


#175 Pocket
#176 Skin
#177 POT

#178 COVER


Who is our next host?

11 Kommentare:

  1. Ariane..... sigh.......
    this is so wonderfully magical
    those ginkgo buerflies.....
    i would love to be covered
    thanks for being the host
    i am working on my piece
    will probably post tomorrow
    Patrice A.

  2. Oh my gosh, they make beautiful butterflies. :D Now I want to walk to the nearest park where a little ginkgo grows and pin the butterflies all over my market pumpkins. So lovely. Thank you so much for hosting. It's been so wonderful to get back to our DC.

  3. Hi Ariane!!!, thanks for the invitation. Unfortunately I can not participate this time, because these days I'm going on vacation. But anyway I will try to make a farewell post on my blog, inspired by this DC. :)

  4. total schön diese Schmetterlinge!
    Sowieso all diese Fotos... das Thema ist toll gewählt und Danke auch, Madame Rose, für Deinen Kommentar bei mir!
    hab ein schönes Wochenende x Stefanie

  5. thank you for your best wishes. completely 'coincidentially' i drew a biloba leaf this week, for our cartoon classes inktober fest...
    we've been musing along similar lines. i like your tender mix between background and foreground focus, i love taking in the change in perception that it brings, different moods, similar yet straying interpretations. i am always fond of your reappearing quinces!!
    what a completely great theme, i looked at it from different angles too, more than just from both sides (joni mitchell's song a-humming)....
    wishing you a beautiful sunday, let's have breakfast together in the morning?
    x n♥
    thxs for hosting, ariane

  6. Wonderful autumn covers. I'll post my covers later today or tomorrow. - eric

  7. you have created lovely magic with your leaves.
    just beautiful!

    thank you for hosting Ariane!

  8. Rose is filled with beauty and delicacy as always! Thank you for the vivid colors as well:) xo Leena

  9. Liebe Ariane, ganz wundervoll und poetisch deine Gingko-Schmetterlinge! Sehr, sehr toll. Bin diesmal leider sehr spät dran... hat ein bisschengedauert, das Video zu drehen und hochzuladen.
    barbara bee

  10. Das sind wunderschöne Fotos! Und wenn Du mal zur Buchmesse fährst, meld Dich. Ich bin da jedes Jahr beruflich. Das Thema war für mich also genau zur rechten Zeit :-)

  11. Ach, was für ein schönes herbstliches Potpourri! Und diese Gingko-Schmetterlinge!! Wunderschöne Idee!

