Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2015

Gut beschirmt (dc host? who?)

Hier winke ich (nun wieder im Regen) mit meinem Regenschirm...
während meine liebste Azalee unter dem Sonnenschirm lustwandelt.

Here I wave my umbrella (again)... it is raining in Hamburg...
during my dearest Azalee strolls under a parasol.

Photo by Azalee, Khartoum 2015

Die kleinen Akazien wachsen weiter und inzwischen gibt es noch mehr Quitten auf der Fensterbank

The tiny acacia are still growing and in the meantime there are more quinces on my windowsill

Ich liebe den Duft von Quitten!
und sie sind so samtig (die Jüngste greift und staunt)

I love the fragrance of quinces!
and they feels so velvety (Youngest picks and marvels)

velvety just like this beautiful book by Claire Wellesley-Smith,
that has arrived today in the Lionpalace. And look:
It fits perfect to my 'fast' stitch for the last dc POT ;-)

(and the soup of pumpkins tasted delicious,
made with coconut milk and a few potatos, an apple and a small shallot,
well-rounded with cumin)

Love, Ariane. Rose

Any host for the drawing challenge this weekend?

1 Kommentar:

  1. next time i'll come across a quince i'll feel and smell it! i have a vague memory of mum making jelly from these hard pears. what will you do with your quinzes?

    any still life of yours is such a tranche de vie, i could climb right in, have some soup, i can bring my own too, also pumpkin, different make... ;)))

    i'm afraid i won't be hosting, not for a while. i would love to, but time isn't on my side. i'm so glad i can come visit here and sniff up some creative air, like your stitching now, e.g. oh, and the post office will be my tomorrow job, will add a tiny note. x n♥

