I stare at the elements
at the cloudy pinks and marbling greens
{on the Eisenbach, the birds}
these moving, constantly
and I wonder about the big movement of the ocean
the TIDE
May I invite you to this theme for our next ART CHALLENGE (No. 198)? A bit of recurring movement is good, right?
This weekend, the 24th + 25th of September, AC again! Here!
How it works:
if you want to join, leave a comment saying you are in
the following weekend the 'drawings' are shown on the blogs of the participants
and the host links to them all
(ThanX Patrice)
Wonderful! Going with the flow as we speak. Thank you dearest. <3
AntwortenLöschencool, I am in!
AntwortenLöschenThank you und bis bald x Stefanie
Oh, this fits so perfectly! After a long pause I'll be in again. :-) A plus!
AntwortenLöscheni love the tide... what will come of it, i have no clue. but how could i refuse?
AntwortenLöscheni'll see ya. n♥
Count me in as well. Like tinyWOOLF: no idea, but I visit the tide at least twice a week. So I should be able to come up with something.
AntwortenLöschenOh yes, I'm in. Thanks for your mail. It's a beautiful theme! - eric
AntwortenLöschenLove the sea!! I'll join, i will post later than this weekend; I'm at an archery weekend challenge!