Es geht langsam voran. Nicht immer linear, doch stetig geht es weiter. In Wellen.
Dranbleiben. Flexible Beharrlichkeit (Memo an mich selbst)
It goes on, slowly. Not straight, but continual. In waves.
Stay on the ball. Flexible persistence (memo to myself)
PS: I lag behind the AC... so sorry! 'll visit you, in waves ;-)
Love the moon, love the cygnets, and love that cheeky flying goose! What a beautiful view you have Rosy girl. I'm finding all sorts of wonderful inspiration with our gang today. :D Sharmon is going on about your moon...Nadine is getting a book together! Brave girl, Miss Bee has been at the beach, and Tammie is painting foxes. How wonderful we all are.