Freitag, 7. Januar 2011

Morgen ist es ganz neblig. Dann liegt der Eisenbach milchig weiß als die Königin der Burg die Brücke erreicht. Sie fasst sich ein paar Herzen im 7. Zimmer...dort, wo man den Forst hegt. Sie kehrt in der Nähe ein und trifft freudig ihre Freundin. Bei soviel Metamorphose taut der letzte Schnee.
Die erste Prinzessin malt einen Baum, auf dem das Moos wieder sichtbar ist. Die Vögel zwitschern Lieder, die sich nach Hochzeit anhören...Frühling?

the morning it is so foggy. Then the Eisenbach is milky white when the Queen of the Castle reaches the bridge. She takes some hearts at the 7th chamber...where they treasure the forest. She stops close by and foregathers her woman friend gladly. At so much metamorphose last snow thaws.
The first Princess is painting a tree, that the moss appears again. Birds are chirping songs sounds like wedding...springtime?

4 Kommentare:

  1. I hope thy're some signs of spring for you ... personally, I can't wait to see your images of it.

  2. Springtime sounds great, but I must admit I still find som traces left of Christmas... Maybe I should paint a tree like the Princess and forget about that Christmas tree I've thrown out into the garden. Would have liked to join you on that foggy walk.

  3. Oh, these beautiful pictures. I had to take a moment to just stare at them.

    Springtime for us still feels so far away, but right now I'm in a place of mind where I'm actually enjoying winter. I hope it won't last too long, though! :)

  4. Dear MMMC,
    I look forward for the blossoming of magnolia trees.

    And, dear Elisabeth,
    having a walk together would be very nice.

    Real springtime is far away to us also, dear Ansku. Now the ugly part is coming on...rain, 5°C, but no brighten snow. Well, I hope it won't last oo long, too.

    Heartily greeting to you all.

