Samstag, 2. Juni 2012


Like cotton-wool clouds shadows creates shapes somestimes.
If they looks pretty or horrible is in the eye of the beholder...

Since last week I didn't likes shadows. I've liked taking pictures with diffused light. Shadow was faded out. Too hard contrasts I am still sour on. But at this photo session it was as I've found for me a new space, a new dimension.

In the shadow of these photos is laying my painting. I've drawed with tempera on canvas. For the shadow I've chosen the colour called Umber. In German it means Umbra, and in Latin it means shadow.

This week's drawing challenge is hosted of me with SHADOW. 
For more shadow plays please take a look at those fabulous places of

Thank you very much my lovely friends 
including you who are busy at another point.


 Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, liebste Gräfin Azalee!

17 Kommentare:

  1. very beautiful Ariane..i love your painting..and I loved what you wrote about umbra/shadow! Magical post..gorgeous art..exquisite bloom!

  2. Beautiful umbra indeed! And yes, shadows can be scary sometimes. Thank you for an inspiring theme!x Leena

  3. Yes Ariane, isn't it true how shapes (shadows in particular) can be either beautiful or ugly/friendly or menacing; and all depending on what the person seeing them is feeling. I think a lot of it depends on mood and that is true as in real life. I like the strong contrast in this work very much...and especially because the strong pink is equal to the strength of the shadow, even though it is smaller and delicate looking. Just a beautiful composition. Love this! *smiles* Norma

  4. hi dear,
    i remember that i have heard somewhere that umbra is the shadow of a heart. i don´t care if it´s true or not, it sounds so beautiful, don´t you think?

    your umbra proves it!

  5. Loving your beautiful painting and also Ritva's comment about umbra is the shadow of a heart.......... thank you for a fab challenge. Annette x

  6. Hellew Ariane!

    I too had problems with lighting I was almost defeated by my want to do my original idea and the grey days of wintery Melbourne but I went back to the beginning and I think I like the results better than my first idea!
    Thanks for a very challenging but rewarding challenge theme Ariane.

    I hope you are enjoying your weekend

    Helen :)

  7. Ps Ariane
    I love your painting gorgeous colours and lyrical strokework.

    That purple rose is amazing too!

    H :)

  8. Thank you Ariane for the Latin and German meanings. Using Umbra for a shadow is an interesting different from say grey or black. Love this and your previous photos.
    Thank you for this wonderful challenge theme. Carole :)

  9. Love your art work and the word play Arianne : )

  10. love your painting. and it is essential for the "new" wall?

    umbra = shadow. the speech bubble in my whispering shadow painting has umbra shades. chosen instinctively. and here i read the solution. thank you my dear!

    es gibt kein licht ohne schatten...


  11. dear Ariane, thanks for making me look at shadows even closer this week, there was beauty to be found

    i suppose i'm a person who likes contrasts and it took me some time to love your soft, diffuse photos but they grew on me and i really learned to love them, they are so you
    but also in the beautiful peonies you show us here i can find you and boy... aren't they just gorgeous

    Umber...omber in dutch well i've always liked that word, to me it sounds a bit mysterious

  12. liebe ariane, mit umbra du hast das thema toll gelöst! ich bin zwar eine freundin von schattenspiel und scherenschnitt, aber harte kontraste liegen mir meist auch nicht.
    mein thema für die nächste challenge: letters! briefe!
    darf ich dich dazu einladen? ich hoffe auf ein ja!
    liebe grüße von mano
    ich würde mich freuen, wenn du es oben ergänzt!

  13. why yes, i get that.
    you indeed love subdued contrasts, a thing i'm not ever looking for, but when i hold still, and i look closer, there seems to reside a world i am not always aware of. that is what you do to me, on your blogposts. which is a fine thing, by the way!

    in your painting there's this dark menace, which shadows most definitely are. they are the contrast to the other side. you've illustrated it well. what a challenge you put yourself in front of!

    i have to admit i did find this task rather difficult, and i say i cut the short way, didn't i? but shadows are one of my absolute favourites. when i first started out in photography i always used at least ASA 400. i was always looking for hard, hard shadows and lines, and a photo grain, huge as life, it seemed. i still find myself in that trap to this day, sometimes. that's why softness on your blog suits me so. it offers me more, in a way.

    ps - this is interesting! reading back here on others' comments, i see renilde stating a similar thing. :)))

  14. It is a beautiful painting, interesting the umbra shadow Schatten.
    we should love our shadows -
    Wir sollten unsere Schatten lieben, wir werden sie ja doch nicht los...
    Liebe Grüße,

  15. I think that is a beautiful painting and especially after seeing it along with your photos of earlier...I had to giggle a little hearing you didn't like contrast until you shot those amazing peonies- because you are a natural with that kind of light- though I do love your more subtle soft photos too- it's always fun to do different things :)
    Thanks for such a great challenge -

  16. I loved your pictures
    and now after reading your words at this post
    I understand why they were different for me
    more shadow!
    your drawing has it both
    the softness and the shadow
    beautifully done!

    Patrice A.

  17. your photography is stunning give the gift of being a bee or a be able to get right in those stems and petals and explore. gorgeous new header. Beautiful abstract balance of shadow and light, color and line, in nature's splendor!
    (hope that makes sense! )
    ps i will be joining this weeks challenge thanks to inspire me to come back and play :)

