Samstag, 1. September 2012

Blue Moon Roses

Als der Blaue Mond über der Burg erscheint und sich im Eisenbach spiegelt, baden sich die Rosen im duftenden Licht. Entzückt nimmt die Königin ihre Kamera...

As the Blue Moon rises over the Castle and isrefelcted in the Eisenbach, the Roses takes a  bath in the scented light. Delighted the Queen catches her camera...

Who is our host for the drawing challenge next weekend?

- Just have found: Rachel, right?

4 Kommentare:

  1. looking at the moon last night i hoped someone out here would catch that mood of everlasting wonderment, you did in a special way, x

    if it's allright with you i will host the dc the weekend after Rachel

    1. Dear Renilde,
      you on my mind last night, taking these pictures. Blue Moon in the Pisces! Very special mood.

      Of course its allright if you will be our host at weekend 15th and 16th of September... Thank you!

      x A.

  2. beautiful images
    light from the moon
    dark roses
    melancholic in a way

    Patrice A.

  3. Oh you made my day with your evening shots here. Love this idea Ariane! Beautiful sweet mystery image(s,) evoking thought.
    I really saw the face of the man in the moon last night. It looked just like the children's books illustrations. So awesome. This is an old moon.

    Have a nice week and we'll be seeing you next weekend. *smiles* Norma, xo

